Spring break

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Lukas's pov

The flowers were blooming, the sky was bright, the trees were blossoming and I hated it.
" Don't get me wrong, I love the pretty colors and sounds of spring, I'm just allergic to almost everything that spring has to offer," I explained to the three looking at me.
Berwald looked confused, Tino looked horrified and Mathias just laughed at my red eyed, stuffy nose state.
" haha! I'm sorry norge but you look hilarious!" He managed between laughter.
I walked over grabbing the collar of his shirt and bringing his face down to my level. Just as I did I sneezed, out of nowhere, it just happened. Tino erupted in laughter, hugging on to berwald for support. Berwald cracked a small smirk trying not to laugh.
Mathias on the other hand looked disgusted. He wiped his face, looking at me for a moment then his mouth curled to a smile as he, like Tino burst out in laughter.

The end of the day took forever to arrive, it was the last day before spring break and everyone was itching to get out of the hell hole called school. I sat in math class next to Arthur Kirkland, the stuck up Brit and Vladimi Popescu, the strange/creepy Romanian guy. Honestly I never really talked to them so I don't actually know what they're like, the most I knew was that Arthur was always around Alfred, who I hate. Vladimir seemed cool enough, he just was...uh...how to word it......different..? But they didn't seem to have any interest in talking to me so- never mind...
My thoughts were interrupt by a calm voice laced with a British accent.
" so your name is Lukas right?" Arthur asked looking to me, his sudden question caught the Romanians attention, though he acted like he wasn't eavesdropping.
"yes, why do you ask?" I questioned, wondering how he knew my name.
" I'd like to apologize for Alfred's childish behaviour a while back when he was pestering you." He seemed to be legitimately trying to apologize, but why was he doing it and not Alfred. Oh wait, yeah, because Alfred is a big self centered dick.
"Thanks," I grumbled not really caring for his apology.
He struck up a conversation about annoying people and I couldn't help but input, by the end of class we were talking about our plans for spring break.
" I'm just going to spend time with Alfred". He said.
" I was invited to go with my friends to a movie and then stay at their place" I laughed, the bell rang stopping our chatter.
"Alright class, pack up and have a nice break!" The teacher cheered.
I got up and looked at Arthur,
"It was really fun to chat with you" I told him, Arthur was a lot nicer than I expected.
"Here, my phone number if you ever wanna text me" he smiled handing me a small piece of paper. I thanked him then left to my locker.

I walked down the hall and my books were lifted out of my hands, I jumped and looked up at the taller nation smiling at me.
"let me carry those for you hottie," Mathias smirked.
I looked at him and rolled my eyes laughing.
We got to my locker and as I was putting my stuff in my book bag Mathias poked my shoulder,
" hey Norge, I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out for supper with me before we go to the movie with Sve and Tino?" He asked going a little red in the cheeks.
"Sure, I'd love too" I said staying calm, but on the inside I was having a little freak out.
" Thanks! I'll walk ya home" he offered putting out his hand for me to grab. I gladly took it, smiling while trying to hide my light blush.

Yeah, so I'm not dead. Just had extreme writers block. Sorry for taking so longggggg! So uh what cha guys been up to? Also any suggestions on what movie they should go see?
~ till next time

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