Ibiki Morino

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Yello! I have some news! *cheering* but you may not like it *boo!* Well because of the entire Chunin exam skip (because she was with the Akatsuki -.-) this story is extremely short and it's almost finished. *BOO!* Wait, wait let me finish! It's not going to be like this chapter or a next, two minimum. Because there's still the mission to finish, then the meeting thingee, and then some chapters about the month she stayed with the Akatsuki! Like how she met all the rest and what they think of her!And only THEN will the Sequal start! *CHEERING!* YAY! I will also post all the details ! 


“TenTen!” I yelled and spun around, only to be greeted by more darkness. I looked around me in a panic. I couldn’t see anything. All I saw was darkness. As I watched through my Paths’ eyes, they saw the exact same thing. We were all separated by walls of darkness. And honestly, I was terrified… terrified of the darkness. It reminded me so much about the nights at A.N.G. Of the nights I spent alone, with no friends or family… I fell to my knees as tears welled up in my Rinnegan eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. No…I couldn’t let them fall. I’m not weak; I can stand up for myself. I will never let my tears spill. If anything I’ll make the enemy shed tears. I snickered at that thought. Oro-snake crying.

Kaiya…” I heard the faint voice of Naraka in my head. I smiled. Of course, I’m never alone with that fella in my head. I stood up straight with courage. I was ready to kill. Ok maybe not kill but….

Naraka, do you see anyone?” I asked in my mind.

Not with my eyes, but with my mind.” I smirked. His vocabulary is drastically improving. And what he meant was that no one was in his surroundings, so each of us are stuck in darkness, however…he can locate people by searching for their minds, their conscious.

You find Oro-snake’s mind?

Yes.” He replied after a short moment of silence.

Is he near anyone?” I asked, obviously on the edge. Scanning all around me.

Yes.” I seriously need him to give detail when I ask a question.

Who? Where?” I asked while narrowing my eyes at a faint ripple in the darkness in front of me.

Behind you.” My eyes widened with fear as I spun around, only to be stopped with a blade at my neck… a blade that comes out of Oro-snake’s mouth. I held my breath, trying not to move my neck, or else it would be cut.

He’s the one who captured Sasuke and promised him power. But all he really wants is his body.” Frowned. Not because of the sudden 18 words, but because of how weird that sounded. I moved my head back a little, so that I could at least speak without being cut.

“You’re Orochimaru, one of the three Legendary Sannin. Along with Tsunade and Jiraiya. You promised Sasuke power, you promised him a chance at revenge against Itachi. But the real reason you want him is for his body.” I mentally sweat dropped. Did I really just say that? But the look on his face it was obvious he was surprised.

“Why do I have the feeling you read my mind for that information?” He smirked, knowingly. Crap.  He leaned forward so that I could feel his snake breath at my ear, sending a freezing chill down my spine. “Your power is much needed to me; I’m not passing you up.” I wanted to scream, to do something, but I was completely frozen.

“Summoning Jutsu: Iron Maiden!” I heard someone yell and weird enough, a white iron maneki cat thing appeared from underground and captured Oro-snake inside. There were chains wrapped around the cat before it disappeared underground. As soon as it disappeared, the darkness slowly faded to reveal Gai and Lee standing back-to-back, still ready for a fight. Neji was next to TenTen, who was clutching her shoulder as blood rolled down her arm. Animal, Asura and Preta was standing around them, now calm. To my right was Naraka, and to my left was Deva and Animal. Gai stood down at whatever he saw behind me so I spun around to see a man, probably a jonin, wearing a grey cloak-shirt sort of thing with a black cape over. He had a Konoha head band but it covered his entire head and two scars ran down his face. One from his right eyes down to the right cheek and the other from his left eyes down over his lip. There were also two others behind him, shorter, and they also wore the grey cloak-shirt thing. Actually it looked like Kohana’s Flak Jacket but only grey and longer. The man with the scars also held a terrified and crying Kohana in his arms.

“IbikI!” Gai yelled while giving him the thumbs up, in which I sweat dropped at. One of Ibiki’s teammates walked over to TenTen and started to heal her. My eyes then went wide. Wait Ibiki? I did hear that name before, or maybe I read it in the bingo book or something? The crying then stopped and I looked to see Kohana asleep. Poor thing, cried herself to sleep…I gave her a sympathetic look before Ibiki walked over to me and handed me Kohana. He stared at me for a while, making me mentally flinch. Does he have a problem with me?

“Your name’s Kaiya, right?” My eyes went wide that he knew my real name but I nodded. He shrugged.

“When you are finished with the mission, I wish to speak with you.” And with that Ibiki and his team left, leaving me confused.

“Kaiya!” I snapped my head to Gai.


“Do you know who that is?” I shook my head sadly.

“He’s Ibiki Morino. A Tokubetsu Jonin (An Elite Jonin that specialises in a certain branch or areas) and the commanding officer of the Kohana Torture and Interrogation Force.” My eyes widened. Now I remember! Almost everyone has at least heard of that name. He specializes in mental torture, not physical. His words hit you like a ton of bricks and breaks you from the inside out.

“What does he want with me then…?” I mumbled as I stroked Kohana’s hair. He looked at me serious.

“I don’t know…we’re going to have to wait and see.” Ok now I was seriously nervous. What does he want with me?

The PEIN of losing a Sibling (Naruto FanFic, Completed)Where stories live. Discover now