* Special Chapter *

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AUTHOR'S NOTE// I can't believe I'm actually posting this but hello to my 'The Hoax' readers! I never thought I would be doing this but many many many of you have made me think about this. You guys don't know how many people asked me to write a sequel for this story and you don't know how many times I have rejected this idea. Though I am against writing a sequel, I have decided to write a special chapter ... it's Thanksgiving here in America and so in the spirit of giving and thanking, I decided to write this little chapter! I know it isn't a sequel, but I hope this will at least let you guys know what has happened after their Hogwart days. The reason I'm against writing sequels for any of my stories is because I know for a fact I will ruin it. I like the way I left things and I like the way the fanfics ended so I don't like the idea of writing any more than I have decided to write. But hopefully with this, you guys will be pleased. I know, I'm sorry but this is the best I can do for you guys! Thanks so much for the never-ending support for this (horribly) written fanfic. Honestly, I wrote this when I was like ... fifteen? I was a terrible writer, still am but I definitely improved a lot haha but yes, thank you for reading this fanfic numerous times despite the plot holes and all the mistakes even though it's been a year or two since I published this on wattpad. Thank you and enjoy my loves! <3 I know not a lot of people may be celebrating this holiday but happy thanksgiving to those of you who do! This is my way of giving back to you guys! Thank you so much :)

- Annie

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The sun's rays beamed gently across their faces as they sat on the ground with their legs dipped in the black lake. Hermione raised her hand up just above her eyes to block out the sun as she grimaced. "Mhm, the sun's too bright." She commented as she looked down at the book in her lap. "I can't focus."

The wizard beside her smirked and shook his head. "Well, maybe that's nature's way of telling you to close that book and actually enjoy what's around you." He leaned over and closed the book, placing it on the other side of himself. "Like me,"

A smile lingered on Hermione's lips as she cocked up an eyebrow. "Oh?" She asked with a chuckle, leaning over him. "I'll pass. Give me my book back,"

"No, I barely get to see you nowadays. Let me have this time to spend time with my girlfriend,"

"Draco, come on. I need to study - we need to study." Hermione stated urgently as she shot him a stern look. The N.E.W.T.s were just one week away and Hermione already felt so behind in her studies. She didn't understand why her friends weren't studying and looking over notes right now. They were too busy playing quidditch or doing absolutely nothing. She just didn't understand them.

"Hermione, the tests are next week. We have this week to rest before we get utterly destroyed by these exams." Draco said as he grabbed her hands, interlacing their fingers together smoothly. "What's a guy gotta do to get some attention around here?" He asked with a charming grin as he pulled her closer.

Hermione rolled her eyes but couldn't help but to laugh. She didn't resist and leaned in, allowing him to plant a kiss on her lips. "Mhm," she closed her eyes and smiled through the kiss, but quickly pulled away. "I really need to finish that book," she whispered to him, her eyes still closed.

Draco smirked and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. "Mhm, but maybe after this?" He asked, capturing her lips with his own again, this time pulling her closer and placing his warm hands on the side of her face.

She laughed as she tried to pull away. "Draco, we have class soon," she tried to remind him, placing her hand on his chest to push him away.

"The hell with class," he whispered and kissed her once more on her lips. "The hell with the rules," he said, planting a kiss on both cheeks. "The hell with Potions," he said, lightly kissing her forehead.

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