t w e n t y - n i n e

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“Draco, we need to get back before they finish showering,” Hermione whispered excitedly with a giggle as she and Draco jogged through the empty corridors. “Where are we going? We better not be going fa—“ She stopped as she looked at the flight of stairs in front of her. “Why are we back here?” She asked as her lips lifted up into a smile.

“You’ll find out in a few seconds,” Draco reassured her as he intertwined their hands together, running up the stairs with Hermione following closely behind him. “I just want one minute alone with you—“ He told her as they reached the top of the stairs. He had brought them up to the Astronomy tower—for old time sakes. “I knew that I wouldn’t get to have you for myself since those two friends are sticking around with us today. I just need five minutes, just five minutes and then we’ll head back, I promise.”

Hermione laughed as she looked at him. “I was thinking the same thing,” She said as she looked at up with twinkling eyes. “We haven’t been up here in a while together . . .”

“And I’ve been dying to do this all day long—“ He quickly leaned down and captured her soft lips with his own. Hermione lightly grinned as she kissed him back, hooking her arms around his neck as Draco wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, bringing her closer to him. Their kiss lasted as fast as it had started.

“I didn’t bring you up here to snog all day with you – maybe another day.” Draco teased as he winked at her. “I wanted to give you your present right now . . . in case I didn’t have time to later.” He said as he pulled a long box wrapped tightly and neatly with a green gift wrapper out from his pockets.

Hermione looked over at him with a wide grin – no matter how hard she tried to conceal it, the smile shined brightly beneath the luminous moonlight in front of them, blinding even the moon’s light. She took the present from him and slowly unwrapped it, keeping her eyes on Draco. “This better not be a trick—“ She told him with suspicious eyes as she grinned.

“You better find out for yourself, then.” Draco replied back as he nervously waited for her to look inside of the box. His heart was about to burst any second due to the anxiety building up as Hermione started to open it up.  

Hermione looked down at the box as she finally lifted up the top half of it and lightly gasped as her eyes widened. “Wow . . .” She breathed it as she looked at the gorgeous necklace in front of her. “This is . . .” She knitted her eyebrows together as she shook her head softly. “I . . .”

“You don’t like it?” Draco asked with shock as he looked at her. “Is it the design? I knew it, I should’ve chosen the simple—“ He suddenly got cut off by a gorgeous tune coming out of Hermione—her laughter.

“Why are you so nervous? Is this your first time giving a present to someone?” She asked him as she laughed at him.

“My first . . .”

Hermione lifted both eyebrows in surprise as she gazed at Draco. “Really?” She asked and looked back at the necklace. The necklace was in the shape of a silver infinity sign with tiny diamond carats going across one half of the sign. “I absolutely love it, it’s beautiful, Draco Malfoy.” She breathed out with astonishment as she grazed her fingers across the cold silver necklace. “I, how, did you even get this kind of necklace?”

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