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By lunchtime, Hermione was freaking out. She was sitting with Ginny and barely touching her food. “Ginny, I made the worst mistake ever.”

“You’ve finally realized your plan is a complete failure?” Ginny asked with a small smirk.

“No. I just realized I made two major big mistakes.” She cursed under her breath and frowned. “The first mistake is that I’m going to go skinny dipping with Draco Malfoy tonight at ten in the Black Lake.” She said with wide eyes, letting the words sink in. She looked over and saw Malfoy and Blaise both conversing with each other at their table. She turned back to her friend and let out a helpless moan. “I can’t believe I set that up.”

“Well, wasn’t that what you were planning from the very beginning?”

“No.” She said as she shook her head. She slightly looked over at Harry and Ron who were staring straight at her. “This is where the second big mistake comes in. I was planning on . . . doing something else and I . . .” She lowered her voice and whispered to Ginny. “I stole Harry’s map and tried to find a passageway to go somewhere else but Harry and Ron caught me . . . and Harry saw the map in my hand. I’m not really their favorite person right now and they’re slowly losing their trust in me.”

Ginny nodded and sighed. “That’s why they were so bitter when I met up with them at the common room.” She said as she realized that the pieces all fit together. “They were upset with you.”

“Thank you for reminding me.”

“No, I mean . . . they aren’t mad-mad at you, they’re a bit upset with you.”

“You don’t know what happened . . .”

“Tell me what happened.”

Hermione continued to look over at Harry and Ron just in case. She stared at Ginny and nodded. “Well . . . I opened the passage to the certain place I needed to get to, Harry and Ron found me, I dropped the map and Harry saw it. He looked disappointed but he said we’d talk later. And so I just left and I’ve been feeling horrible about it.” She said and sighed.

“Well, that’s not that bad! You should just talk it out with them right now.”

As if on cue, Harry and Ron stood up as they walked over to the girls. “Hermione, I think we should talk and get some things clear.” Harry said as he stared at her.

Hermione stared at Ginny for help but knew there was nothing she could do. “Okay . . .” She agreed and got up. The trio walked out of the Great Hall and stood right outside of it, stopping at the corner.


“Why—how did you get your hands on my map?” Harry asked with a sigh as he stared at his friend.

“I snuck into your room and took it out of your trunk when no one was around.” She replied quietly and immediately looked down in shame.

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