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After their episode of running and screaming for mercy, they all calmed down and went back to their daily lives of their daily routines. Ginny and Blaise stayed in their dorm secretly discussing important matters while Ron and Harry decided to play wizard chess in their empty common room. Hermione and Draco, of course, we’re off to go skinny dipping. ;)

Hermione cautiously eyed Draco as she nervously gulped. “We can get expelled for doing this.”

“Don’t be so dramatic, Granger.” Draco said as he rolled his eyes.

“Well, we’re outside of the school after curfew. I mean, this is preposterous. I would never do this.”

“You’re right, we should stop and go back to our dorm and act like two boring, average people.”

“No. I didn’t say we weren’t going to do it.” She snapped at him and furrowed her eyebrows as they made their way down the hill slowly. “It’s really cold out here.” She said as her teeth chattered uncontrollable. It was about ten degrees outside and the sky was dropping little white snowflakes on its surroundings.

“We can always back out, Granger.” Draco told her as he stopped walking, raising an eyebrow at her.

Hermione groaned and glared at him. “No, we’re doing it!” She yelled and immediately shut her mouth. She was supposed to be quiet not to get caught. “Let’s just get this over with.”

“Finally.” He let out an exasperated sigh and so they continued down to the lake quietly. Right when they reached the lake, they exchanged glances.

“No magic.” Hermione said as she set her wand slowly on the ground.

“Okay.” He said coolly as he tossed his wand over towards hers on the ground. “Let’s do this.” He said with a smirk as he immediately threw his shirt over his head.

Hermione looked at his body and found herself staring. She snapped herself out of it and glared at him. “Where’s your bandage?”

“I took it off for tonight.”


“Well, I don’t want a dirty or wet bandage.”

“Oh . . . that’s right.” She said and shook her head. “Wait, skinny dipping in this cold winter night is just too much. Why don’t we keep our undergarments on?” She asked him as she chewed on her bottom lip.

“Okay.” He said and slightly chuckled. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

“No.” She said and quickly gathered up the courage to start stripping down. “Just hurry up.” She snarled through her teeth as she took off her sweater. She immediately shivered violently as the cold air bit her skin. Her body shivered but she started to take off her shirt when she suddenly felt two eyes staring at her. She stopped and glared at Draco. “What are you doing?” She asked urgently as she pulled her shirt down.

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