12/25 15:29

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All of a sudden, a loud bang came from outside the warehouse.

"Who's out there?" Max yelled. "I'm checking it out."

"Do whatever," Evelyn sighed.

After a few seconds, Max yelled, "Eve! Come and see this!" Evelyn groaned and headed for the door. Before she was able to make it outside, an deafening explosion blew her 40 feet away from where she stood. I closed my eyes to in reaction from the bright light. Eve held her head and gasped.

"Max?!" She yelled, running to find him. Before I knew it, I felt hands on mine behind the chair and the sound of a knife cutting through rope.

"So, princess, it's time to save you from the tower," a whisper came to my ear.

I smiled. "Well it's about damn time." I turned my head to see his long wavy brown hair bouncing up and down. "I'm sorry for slipping Oxycontin in your apple juice."

He looked up at me. "I accept your apology, but right now, I have to get you out of here-"

"Well look who came to save the day!" A voice echoed, Evelyn. "Well isn't it my big brother. Come to see me kill your little girlfriend?" She started walking towards us. Blood was all over her. In her hand there wasn't a knife; it was a gun.

He stood up behind me and slowly started walking towards her. "What are you doing Evelyn? Put the gun down."

"Put the gun down? Ha! You think you can actually tell me what to do? I haven't listened to you my whole life; why start now?"

"I'm trying to reason with you because you're being irrational. You weren't always this way, you know."

"I changed because of her!" She motioned at me. He raised his hands. "She ruined me! I am rich, beautiful, and have a great life! But, for some reason I envy her. I envy her face, her personality, her life..." Evelyn started to cry. He finally reached her and pushed the gun out of her hands; she ran to him and cried into him. But, the sounds of tears changed into a laugh. With a swift movement, Evelyn pushed him to the nearest wall with a knife on his neck. "Did you really believe I'd change that quickly, Harry."

I thought, "Harry? How come I haven't even thought of his name until now?" I started to try untying myself.

"You're more of an idiot than I thought."

"You don't have to do this; you don't have to be this way."

"Of course I do! After I realized you fell in love with my mortal enemy, I knew you'd have to die too." She raised her knife, about to slash, when two loud shots rang. Blood splattered all over Harry's shirt; two bullet holes in Evelyn's back started to bleed. She fell. Harry looked straight to me; my hands shaking with the gun in it. I killed her.

Harry ran to me and took the gun from my hands, hugging me. I started to ball into his chest. He pet my hair, trying to calm me down. "It's over; it's all over." Flashing lights and sirens began wailing.

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