Part 1

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During this part we see an old man making a stichpunk out of cloth and machine.

Scientist: We had such potential, such promise. But we squandered our gifts, our intelligence. Our blind pursuit of technology only sped us quicker to our doom. Our world is ending. But life must go on.

He puts a talisman into the a machine that he put the already made stitchpunk on.

A  stichpunk is hung up by a string that has been damaged. The string breaks letting the stichpunk fall on the desk along with hitting the talisman to the desk as well.

The stichpunk opens his eyes slowly. He moves his arm to help him get off of the desk. He goes to rub his eyes but instead looks at his hand. He looks down at his stomach to see an open zipper. It goes to look inside, but the talisman crackled with electricity. The stichpunk looked at the talisman and starts to walk to it. He stumbles while taking his first step, but then he walks normally. He picks up the talisman and examines it. It then looks over the ledge of the desk to see the dead scientist. Startled, it steps back. He looks around the room and finds a window. He goes over to the window while climbing over books and pushes it open. The first thing he sees, is a destroyed city. He then sees another stitchpunk dragging along a wagon. He  goes to yell to it but he can't speak. He shoves the talisman in his zipper, zips it up, and jumps to the floor.

Scene Change:
He runs out of the house he was in to look for the other stichpunk. While looking he passes by a car. He looks inside to see a dead mother with her dead child in her arms. He jumps back and decides to keep moving. He sees a light flash into his eyes. And without a second thought, he runs behind something. He hears something approaching and grabs a screw. When he knows it is there, he swings. He hears a metal clanging sound as the other fell to the ground. He goes back in its hiding place in case it tries something. He looks out and finds the stichpunk he saw earlier. He hides again after the other stichpunk sees him.

2: Wait! I'm a friend.

He comes back out and helps the older looking stichpunk he hit get up.

2: Yes, I always hoped.
The older looking stichpunk turns him around to look at his back.
2: Aha! So much thought. The details... (he grabs his hand and looks at it.) Carved wood. Molded copper.

The younger stichpunk points to his neck while trying to speak.

2: You can't speak.

He takes a look in his zipper and thinks.

2: Come with me.

While the older one is looking through his stuff, the now mute stichpunk picks up a bullet. He knocks on it with his copper finger. 2 grabs a small speaker from a broken doll and turns around to his new friend. He sees the younger one about to use the bullet as it was a club.

2: Stop!

The younger one hands it to 2.

2: Some things in this world are better left where they lie. But if you know where to look, these ruins are filled with riches.

2 puts the small speaker into the younger one's zipper. The younger tries to speak but his voice is garbled.

2: Wait, wait.

He tries it again sounding more audible.

2: Almost there.

He tries three more times and he finally said "friend?"
2: Friend.

2 gives a smile and sees the talisman that the younger one, 9 put it his zipper earlier.

2: What's this?

9 pulls it out and hands it to him.

2: You found it! He's... He's always drawing this.

He then laughs happily.

9 hears a distant roar.

9: (stammering) Are... Are we alone?

2: No, no.

The distant roaring came again, but this time 2 heard it also. 2 grabs his spear.

2: Go. Get in the can. Go on.

9 follows the directions and gets into the broken spray paint can.

2 looks around seeing if he can see the source of the roaring.
He hears a growling behind him and turns around quickly. The Cat Beast knocks him down with it's claw. 2 drops his spear. He tries to get it, but he gets grabbed by the Cat Beast. 2 reaches one more for his spear and grabs it. When he gets picked up, 2 smacks the Cat Beast in the head. Angered, it throws 2 into his cart of things. 9 looks from the can horrified. The Cat Beast picks up the talisman and examines it. 9 quickly hides in the can again making it rattle catching the Cat Beast's attention. The Cat Beast looks at the can for a second and turns back. 9 looks to see if it was gone. Suddenly the Cat Beast's claws at him making him go inside the can further. When he couldn't go any further, 2 throws a stone at it.

2: Here kitty, kitty.

The Cat beast gets away from the can and goes to 2. 2 picks up another rock.

2: Why don't don't you finish what you started, with me?

2 holds the stone up shakily. The Beast grabs 2 with it's jaws and picks him up. It looks back into the can and finds a piece of cloth on the sharp edge of the hole in the bottom. It throws the can over in anger past an injured 9. 9 tries to get out from hiding to see it walking away with 2 in it's jaws. 2 sees 9 and reaches for him. The Beast runs to a giant building with 2 in it's teeth. 9 watches helplessly and winces from his injured shoulder. He walks back into the city holding his arm.

A telescope spots 9 walking tiredly and then he faints from the pain.
Holy! That was over 1000 so imma stop here. Now it is 1028 words.
See you next time!

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