Part 3

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As 9 and 5 walk away, 6 is drawing the Talisman on a sheet of paper. He picks the paper up and hangs it up on the wall with many other drawings of the talisman.

Meanwhile 5 is pulling a different platform up to a different level. When he stops, 9 sees a telescope. 5 walks over to the telescope and grimaces. 9 walks over to him.

5: This was the first thing we built together.

9: We can still go after him.

5 turns to look at 9.

5: Us? But he could be anywhere out there.

He gestures his hand to the emptiness below them. 9 looks around and sees the factory 2 was dragged to.

9: That's where it took him. Out towards those three tall shapes.

5 looks at it through the telescope to find it was a factory. He jumps back.

5: Oh, no. We can't, not there. We have rules.

He jumps down from the telescope.

9: Why do you listen to 1?

5: A group must have a leader.

9: But what if he's wrong? Come with me. I can't do it alone.

5: I... I... I can't.

With that 5 looks down.

9: But wouldn't he have come for you?

5 sighs remembering when 2 helped him after he got his eye torn off.

5: I...

9 then walks by patting 5's back. 5 then feels the patch over his missing eye.

5: Wait.

He then grabs a map.

5: We're going to need a map.

The scene changes to the emptiness.

5: Actually, I don't mind having one eye. It's easier for me. Allows me to concentrate on just one thing at a time, you know?

9 picks up 2's spear from the dirt, and 5 picks up 2's helmet. A piece breaks off as he picks it up.

5: Why was he out here alone?

They keep climbing to see the factory.

(Scene Change)

They are walking past trip wires connected to grenades. 9 looking up ahead and 5 looking at a map.

9: Where's this tunnel?

5 looks at the map quickly.

5: I don't know!

The map then flies out of his grip from the strong wind. 5 runs to go grab it dodging the trip wires in his path.

9: Wait!

9 then follows. The map gets caught on a piece of wood. When 5 went to grab it, he falls in the wood floor. He supports himself by his arms. 9 helps him out of the hole and the map flew away.

5: We should go back!

Both 9 and 5 look back to see a wall of dust.

9: We can't.

9 then notices the tunnel they were looking for. 5 looks at the claw marks going in the tunnel.

5: The beast. Its too dark.

9 looks around.

9: We can use that.

He then walks over to a destroyed car. 5 goes up and takes the light bulb out of the headlights. 9 stabs 2's spear in the ground with the sharp end pointing up. 5 hands 9 the bulb and 9 wipes it with his arm. 5 pulls out a small battery out of his buttoned chest and puts it under the bulb. He then puts his metal finger on the metal part of the bulb. 9 chuckles seeing that it works.

9: Wait.

He hands the bulb and battery to 5. 9 unties the sharp end from the spear. He then grabs 2's helmet from 5's pack. He adjusts it on the spear, drops the battery in, and puts the battery in.

5: 2 would be impressed.

9 hands the sharp end which is an exacto knife end. And they walk in the tunnel.

9: We'll find him.

5: You know, you're just like him. You forget to remember to be scared.

Meanwhile the map is stuck on another piece of wood. A stichpunk with a bird skull looks at it and then the tunnel that 9 and 5 went in.

5 helps 9 up to the front door of the factory.

5: Can I wait here? Oh.

9 and 5 walk in the factory. They pass by hanging machines. Later they pass by the capsules that release gas.

5: Why would it bring him here?

They come across a chute and look down it. They hear growling coming from the bottom so they jump down. Once they get to the bottom, they see an old bird cage with 2 inside. 9 gasps and points at him. 5 also gasps and goes to him.

5: 2! 2!

5 says while shaking 2's shoulder. 2's head slips down. 5 feared the worst, he's dead. 9 looks down sadly. Just then, 2 opens his eyes and lifts his head. He grabs 5's hand that was on his shoulder.

2: (whispers)I knew you would come.

5: I thought-

2 shushes him and points to the beast. The beast is seen tearing at something. It was about to put the talisman in something. But stops hearing 9 and 5 trying to help 2 out of the cage. It attacks 9 and 5. It then shoves its claw through the cage and throws it. 2 screams as he was inside. It swings at 9 and 5 knocking them back. 9 grabs the staff he dropped and waves it in the beast. The recoils back and sees that 9 is the edge of a wooden plank. The beast swipes its claw at the wooden plank knocking 9 over to where 5 was helping 2 out of the cage. 9 not seeing it, looks around franticly while 5 is loading his homemade crossbow. The beast comes out behind them and 5 fires the crossbow not effecting the beast at all. The beast roars at them. Behind the beast a white stichpunk with a bird skull throws a rope with rocks at both ends at the beast. It wraps its mouth closed while the stichpunk jumps on the beast's back. The beast tries to throw it off of it and claws at it. It grabs the stichpunk's shield and throws it at 9. 9 ducks out of the way and the shield falls to the ground. The beast throws the stichpunk high off of it and the stichpunk does a flip with a spear in hand. When the stichpunk lands, it chops the beast's head off. The beast falls and the stichpunk jumps off of it. It stabs the spear in the ground. It begins to raise its helmet....
To be continued! Anyways, this is a good place to stop and I reached over 1000 words. Now at 1125 words, I say, see you!

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