Chapter 1

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Ty and I had a funny tradition,no matter who we were dating,on the first day of our new semester we had to spend the entire day together. From the bus ride to school, to finding the locker, to saying goodbye during classes, to meeting for lunch and going back home together and finallt eating a takeout in our secret base. The secret base is the treehouse that we built together when we were in middle school.

I woke up after Ty screamed at me while I was dreaming. "Alexis,wakeup!!"he screamed. I was shocked to see Ty so early in the morning. A year ago I would have smiled at him but now it was different. The way I looked at him has changed. He is no longer only my friend; he is the guy who I am in love with.

"Ty,what are you doing here?"I asked rubbing my sleepy eyes. "Hey!Its the start of the final year. Our final year of high school and have you forgotten about our tradition?"Ty said pulling me out of my bed. "No,idiot"I said.

I didn't notice it earlier but Ty was looking different. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, a faded denim pant and a black sneakers but his hair was so in place that it felt wrong. Ty always no matter how hard he tried always had messy brown hair that looked flawless on him. It was his statement, it was what made him who he was. My chains of thought were interupted when Ty asked,"What are you staring at? Go get ready." He shoved me inside my closet. I picked out a black denim shorts, a light coloured shirt and my baggy 'Chicago Bulls' sports jacket all paired up with my ankle boots and my brown hair just with a hint of red in it tied in a loose ponytail. I came out ready and saw Ty sitting on my bed.

"There's something definetly out of place about you."I said. "What?"he asked heading towards the dresser. I followed his trails and shuffled his hair. "There! Perfect."I said. "Hey!"Ty screamed turning towards me. Only two inches between us. I felt my heart beating faster and my temperature rising. We both forze for a moment until my phone buzzed. Awkward. I thought. Ty turned away and I diverted my attention to my phone. It was from my mom. She was the guidance counsellor at our school. After reading the text I turned towards Ty who was at that moment looking out the window. What was he thinking? About what happened? I thought. "Ty, mom texted and asked us not to be late for the first day."I said and motioned Ty to start walking.

We went out of the house and down the street towards the bus stop. "Alexis! What about your lunch?"he asked. "Shoot,I totally forgot. Nevermind I'll get something to eat at the cafeteria."I answered. "Really, the food at our school really sucks. I knew something like this was going to happen."Ty stated reaching for something inside his bag. "Ty?"I asked confused. "Here you go"he said handing over a brown paper bag. "PB&J"I said peeping inside the bag. "You owe me on."he said jokingly. "Thanks."I said as we boarded the bus. On the bus we sat on the last seat. The ride to school was about 20min. While I had my headphones  on Ty was busy texting. I didn't ask a single question because I knew he was texting Riley.

We reached school. After we got off the bus I looked over at Ty he was still busy texting. I walked away from him without giving him a notice. I felt sad because today was supposed to be our day,our tradition. But Ty was not the only one at blame, I too had some hand in the situation that we were in. I turned around to see whether Ty had noticed that I had taken my leave but he was still busy with his phone oblivious to the fact that I was not there.

After homeroom I had English with  Mr.Fits. I had totally forgotten that Ty too was in our class. During class someone passed me a note. I opened and read it-'Are you mad? Why did you left without telling me?'Ty.
So he did noticed. I thought. I decided not to answer him and I simple crumpled it and put it aside. But he kept sending notes and I continued crumpling it. With this in action the class finally ended. I wished to exit the class as soon as possible but at the exact moment Mr.Fitz called"Tyler James and Alexis Green stay back." I looked at Ty and gave him a death stare. Ty turned away in the opposite direction. "You guys. Were you paying attention during class?"he asked. "Obviously, Mr.Fitz."Ty said coming closer to the front where I was standing. "Tyler,do you think I'm blind? I saw what were busing doing during class."he scolded. "But you might turn soon."Ty said under his breath. I pulled Ty's arm and said,"Were reallt sorry Mr.Fitz it won't happen again." "Since it is first class I won't give you detention. Be careful next time."he said.

As we went out the class Ty asked,"Why didn't you reply during class?" "I just didn't felt like."I answered. "If you won't give me the reason then..."he paused pulling my sprts jacket which was hanging on my shoulder. "Ty,give it back."I said in a demanding tone. "Not until you give me a reason for your behaviour."he said. I looked at him and at the jacket. I was getting angry. "Then keep it."I finally said. After saying this I rushed out of the door. I could hear him calling out my name but I just ignored him.

Back then when I saw his only as a friend it didn't matter.What he said or What he did. But now when I know that I love him. When I know he is more to me than a friend, the littlest of the little tings he does makes me uneasy. How long?How long can I hide my feelings from him?How long before he realises how I feel?

Author's note
This chapter turned out to be a long one. I hope yoi guys will enjoy reading a lot. A blas from the past is coming in the next chapter. More about the sport jackets and a whole lot of lies in store..😊😊🙋🙋🙋

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