Chapter 19

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Dwayne and I were in our bedroom getting ready for bed. "Hey, do you think something feels you know, different or weird around here?" I asked Dwayne.

"I don't know." Dwayne responded while pulling the covers from his bed, "The chandelier fell from the roof and ruined our dinner, that's probably like the only weird thing that happened."

"Well, I think something weird is going on." I said. "I don't think we're in the right realm."

"Come on, Ricky, don't be ridiculous-" Suddenly we heard a loud thump that was above us. "What was that?" Dwayne asked.

"I think it's coming from the attic." I said my eyes focused on the roof.

"You don't think it's that door, do you?"

"I don't know."

We slowly opened our bedroom door and snuck up to the attic. The room was pretty dim with a little moonlight shown from the window.

We found the door and tried to listen closely for sound. We heard nothing. "I guess Lucille's alright." Dwayne said. Then we heard a creaking sound followed by footsteps.

"Who is that?" I asked while hugging Dwayne tightly.

Then we heard a voice that came from behind us, "What are you two doing up here?"

We screamed and turned around to see Dad with a concerned look on his face. "Oh, sorry dad." Dwayne apologized. "We just heard this thumping noise from above us and we thought it came from the attic so we tried to investigate."

Dad nodded his head. "Okay then, but you guys need to get in bed."

"Okay." Dwayne and I said together.
It was about 3 in the morning and all of us woke up with a sudden scream coming from J.D. and Lucille's room. We quickly burst it and saw a faint shadow standing beside J.D.'s bed.

J.D. quickly go out of his bed and ran into Mom and Dad got Lucille from her crib. "What is that thing?" Mom asked.

"I think that's Lucille's ex husband." I said.

"The baby, Lucille, has an ex husband that's a shadow?" Dad asked looking confused.

"Well, um.....I'll tell you guys about it later." I trembled.

"He must've followed us in the portal back to here." J.D. thought out loud.

"Portal?" Both Mom and Dad asked looking at each other.

"If only the Ghostbusters were real." Dwayne said.

"Oh, I have an idea." I said.

"What?" Everyone asked.

"I'll go get the mini vacuum cleaner." I said while walking down the hallway.

"We'll hurry cause he ghost is coming closer." After hearing that I sprinted downstairs and grabbed the mini vacuum.

I ran back upstairs and plugged it in. "Say goodbye you terrible person." I said while turning on the vacuum. It sucked the ghost in and made it moan ghostlike. The bag of vacuum flowed a baby blue. "Where should I put this?" I asked.

"Throw it in the lake in the backyard." Dad said.

"Are you sure?" Mom asked.

"Yeah sure," Dad responded, "we have the other big one."

I shrugged and went to the backyard. I walked through the small forest and found the lake. I placed the vacuum inside and it slowly sunk.

I was very proud of myself that I have a smart mind.

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