"We'll be a perfect family.."

    "Is that the last box mom?" Calum asked, running a hand through his raven hair. He was finally away from his shit old house and to a new fancy neighborhood, it's so beautiful and gated and it's safe cal... it'll be a new start... it'll be perfect. He remembers how excited his mother was when she first bought it and he hopes that it'll be a new start.. for the both of them

"Yes cal," she continues gesturing him over "i know this move was a lot on us... but i want you to be happy alright. You can start by building your room, anywhere your heart desires mijo. i love you with all my heart" she kisses the boys head.
    Calum chuckles and lets his mom be gentle with him, before nodding "yes mom.." he smiles and heads upstairs getting started on painting his room


about 3 hours later there was a ring at the door, which was odd. we just moved here why is the bell ringing? Calum raises an eyebrow and heads down to open the door, startled when he sees the definition of a rich poster family. The person who he assumed to be the father stepped forward and smiled "Hello my names is james , this is my family, Jenna my wife, Luke our eldest and Michael our youngest"

Calums eyes fell over to the smaller boy, who was shyly smiling and holding out a pie. Calums heart skipped a beat , he was.... beautiful. His blonde fluffy hair and green emerald eyes just shone, bigger than anything calums ever seen. he wasn't even aware when James started talking again until he heard him clear his throat.

"as i was saying, were here to welcome in our new neighbors yes? " He smiles bluntly and as if on cue, Michael held out the pie smiling . Calum slowly took it from the boys pale fingers and thanked him quietly before thanking the family as a whole . "Thank you for this pie , it was very kind of you all to come here and do this"

Jenna smiled almost proudly "we'll be having dinner at our house tomorrow night and We'd love it if you and your mother came ."

Calum nods and smiles "We'll be there" he nods, playing with his lip ring , which the father seemed to frown at once he noticed.

  "Perfect"he says, "we will see you there.." he nods before leading his family off, the small boy looking back for only a moment before running off with the rest of the family, leaving calum to his thoughts and of course the pie


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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