11 2 2

Y/N = Your Name

W/Y/L = Where You Live

Y/B/F/N = Your Best Friends Name

{Y/N's P.O.V}
It's been 2 years...2 years since I 'died'. 2 years since I last seen Jack...2 years since I have changed my name to {Y/N} {L/N} and changed my look. My life hasn't been the same. I've never loved someone the way I loved Jack. I've tried to find someone but I never could.I know that I'll never love again...

I am as lonely as ever. Yes I have a friend now but still...I always feel lonely and depressed. However I still watch Jack's videos but in them I catch sadness in his eyes,which makes me sad. It feels like his presence is with me when I watch his videos and it makes me happy. I don't watch anyone else anymore,it's JackSepticEye and JackSepticEye only...oh I also moved to (W/Y/L),OK I should stop loathing before you fall asleep 

I was awoken to 'All The Way' (song above) being played. It's my ringtone...just so you know (:p). I open my eyes sluggishly and sighed. I reached for my phone and answered. Not thinking to check the caller I.D as it was obvious who it was,(Y/B/F/N). As soon as I answered all I heard was a giant scream which caused me to flinch and hold my phone arms length away from me. After she finished I put my phone to my ear. "OK (Y/B/F/N) what is wrong?" I asked with a small laugh. 

She gave a giant pause which I nearly fell asleep in then she screamed it so loud,"JACKSEPTICEYE IS MOVING TO (W/Y/L)"...

Bottom of the evein, to ya lassies I am not NutellaDaWolf (lol). Hello my little wolfies. So this is my first chapter I guess and this is the sequal to "The Demon In Me" on my other channel,@thatirishgirl03. And if you're confused as to why it,s a x reader is cuz 'Crystal' changed her name to your name and changed herself to look like you and stuff so yeah. And also I'm sory that it was so short and blady blah. But I hope you enjoyed.

So if you hated it tap that vote button in the foot like a boss and slaps all 'round. Your welcome guys and I wont see all you dudettes in the next chapter


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