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Y/N = Your Name 

Y/B/F/N = Your Bestfriends Name

W/Y/L = Where You Live

F/C = Favourite Colour

{Y/N}'s P.O.V

I stood there with my phone in my hand,my grip was so tight on it..."Uh...Y/N?"Y/B/F/N asked me. I didn't speak at all,I was frozen. I made a noise like 'Help me' but it wasn't that loud so Y/B/F/N knew that I was still alive.

"You're freakin' me out..." she said slowly and paused. I didn't speak and I spoke queitly,"Got to go...",I then quickly paused the 'end call' button and I glanced in the mirror and my face was pale. I clicked the YouTube icon and typed 'Jacksepticeye' into the search bar and clicked search. 'I'M MOVING TO W/Y/L!!!',posted 1 hour ago. I clicked it,reluctingly. (Don't think I spelled that right)

His beautiful intro rang into my ears,"TOP O' THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES...my name is JackSepticEye. And as you probably know from the title is that I'm movin' to W/Y/L and I can't wait. I'll be movin' in a week and I can't wait sooo anyway thank you guys for watching this video and if you liked it...punch that like button in the face...LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all 'round. WAPISH WAPISH. Thank you guys and I'll see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" 

I froze again and this time dropped my phone and it landed on my F/C carpet. I was to frozen to actually care. Then out of the blue I got this really bad migraine (IVE GOT A MIGRAINE...something something something...UP DOWN AND SIDEWAYS)

I ran to the bathroom to find some pain killers but as I glanced  into the mirror my eyes where black...Chrissy was back...

Hola my wolfies. Thank you for reading...this is probably the worst book in history but meh cuz noone reads it but meh...ok i do care *cries on inside*. I'm ok now...I think so yeah if you liked it vote and comment if you want i guess and boiii


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