Chapter 1

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Ruby woke up to the sunshine on her eyelids, the curtains on the dorm window pulled far to the sides. The space next to her was still warm with the body heat of a certain white haired princess.

Weiss would normally be in the shower by this time, but Ruby didn't hear water on in the bathroom. It confused her, where was the Ice Queen.

She got up from bed and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up a little before going to look for Weiss. She had just gotten to the bathroom door before it hit her like a rock, something happened last night, something that changed her life forever. Ruby walked down the street of Vale, she was just taking a midnight stroll, when she heard an ear splitting scream.

She ran as fast as her legs could take her towards the scream. Someone was in trouble, and she was going to save that person. She came to an alleyway where someone was waiting, a dead body in their hands, the person's face was masked by the darkness. She fell to her knees, the last thing she saw before blacking out was, a pair of orange fiery eyes.

She woke up in her room in the middle of the night, a white haired girl in her arms. She was confused, but the warmth and sense of comfort swept her back into the darkness of sleep.

She realized as she had zoned out that something had wrapped it arms around her, she looked down to her stomach at where the hands of the thing behind her were, they were a porcelain white. She turned around to look at Weiss, She was looking down at Ruby only slightly. She wrapped her arms around the white beauty in front of her.

"Good morning, Ruby" Weiss said with a sigh of contentment.

"Good morning to you too Weiss," Ruby replied, seemingly happy, but unknown to the girl in front of her Ruby was thinking of a lot of things concerning last night, one of her first thought had been that it was a dream.

She disregarded the idea, it was to real in her mind. She needed to find out who the person was, and why the girl she had been crushing on since her first day at beacon, was hugging her, and better yet why she was in the bed with her just an hour or two ago. She untangled herself from the white heiress in front of her. " What's going on Weiss," Ruby said with a voice that didn't quite sound angry, but not calm either.

"What do you mean Ruby? You're acting strange," Weiss replied giving off a curious glance.

"It's nothing." Ruby started " I'm just a little tired is all. What happened last night?"

"'What happened'!? What are you talking about dunce, I confessed to you, don't you remember." Weiss said surprised and looked at Ruby with a little bit confidence seeping from her normally composed stature.

Ruby didn't remember that, it definitely would not have slipped her mind if her crush confessed to her, in fact she was planning on confessing to her today.

"I remember now," Ruby said lying, "I must have been more tired than I thought."

"Well then," Weiss began, "There are no classes today so let's go back to bed, okay?" She began to pull on Ruby's arm bringing her to the heiress' bed.

"Okay, I guess," Ruby said with just the slightest hesitation. She laid down on the bed, and Weiss climbed on top of her, finding a comfortable place on Ruby's chest to lay her head.

"Comfy?" Ruby said playfully to the girl who had her head on Ruby's chest.

"Very, thank you," Weiss replied with just a hint of the same playfulness Ruby had just displayed.

In just a few moments both girls had fallen asleep in each other's arms. Little did the two know that both Yang and Blake had watched the whole scene from the faunas' bed.

Yang squealed, Blake sighed at the reaction of the brawny person behind her.

"Are you done, I would like to get back to sleep," The raven haired girl said.

"Of course, kitty cat," Yang replied nonchalantly, snuggling back into the embrace of her lover.

When Ruby woke up again, Weiss was still in her arms, she smiled. Trying not to wake up her sleeping partner, she got of the bed to get ready for the day ahead.

She walked out of the bathroom, clad in her usual daily wear. Weiss was sitting on the bed still in her pajamas, she looked up from her scroll and smiled at Ruby. She grabbed her clothes and towel, and said, "took you long enough, dunce," and went into the bathroom.

Yang and Blake were gone, as well as their weapons, leaving Crescent Rose and Weiss in bed together for a while.

Myrtenaster leaning against each other, Crescent Rose's blade wrapping protectively.

Ruby checked her scroll, it had a message from yang that said, "Hey Ruby, me and Blake are going to be gone for a day or two. Don't have to much fun without us. Xoxo -Yang". Ruby sighed she could never understand her sister.

Weiss walked out of the bathroom in her battle skirt and blouse, for some reason Ruby thought it looked more attractive than usual. Weiss walked over to Ruby and pecked her lips with a small kiss.

"Shall we start our day, Ruby?" Weiss asked, wrapping her arm around Ruby's and grabbing Myrtenaster with the other.

"S-s-sure W-weiss" Ruby said with a red tint almost the color of her cape covering her entire face. She grabbed Crescent Rose and headed out of the door with her partner.

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