Chapter 2

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"I thought we could go shopping," said Weiss as she practically dragged Ruby across the paved sidewalk of Vale.

"A-a-ahh, sure i guess," sputtered out a flustered Ruby. Her Crescent Rose was in a form that strapped to her waist.

They had been walking around Beacon academy just talking for a long while before Ruby piped up, "U-umm, Weiss?"

The heiress replied, "What is it Ruby, you sound scared." She turned to face Ruby putting a hand to her forehead, "Are you okay, you're ears are red."

"I-i'm fine," she stuttered, turning a bright shade of maroon. She pushed Weiss' hand away from her forehead, to intertwine their hands. Her blush went away with the concern of Weiss' words.

"I was just wondering," Ruby started "what made you like me of all people? I mean you could have anybody, you're a Schnee." The whole time she was turning the red strands of her hair between two fingers.

"Because, you dolt, you're cute, funny, energetic, and most of all caring. That's what makes me like you," Weiss replied softly. She tugged just a little on Ruby's sleeve.

Ruby stopped to turn and face Weiss, but as she did Weiss unexpectedly kissed her with a lot passion.

It was dark, so dark she couldn't see anything, except a pair of fiery orange eyes looking down on her, she felt a mixture of fear and angst, they were the same eyes she had seen before she blacked out the night before.

Ruby gasped into Weiss' mouth, the thought had scared her and it made a shiver run down her spine. Weiss pulled away from the kiss, and wrapped her lover in an embrace far stronger than her sister ever could.

Weiss pulled away, they had lost track of time, it was already past five o'clock.

"We never got to go shopping," said Weiss with a small pout, "we should probably get back to the dorm now."

"We can do it another time," Ruby said enjoying the walk back to their shared dorm room, "Besides Yang and Blake won't be back for a day or two, so we have time."

"What! What in the world were those two thinking," Weiss shouted, forgetting about shopping for the moment, "when i get my hands on those two, i'll-"

Ruby silenced the raging heiress with a delicate finger to her mouth. "Let them have their fun Weiss, it's not like this is the first time they've done this."

"You're right, okay they can their fun, Weiss stated, "but if i find you going off with them, don't expect any mercy."

One drop of sweat swept down the energetic girl's face. "Okay Weiss, whatever you say," Ruby said with a bit of hesitation.

Once they got back to the dorm Weiss sat down on her bed, she motioned for Ruby to sit on the bed. Ruby did as told and sat down next to the heiress. Weiss took both of Ruby's hands and held them in her own.

"I love you, Ruby," Weiss confessed, the reason she said this confused the red haired huntress.

It took a minute for Ruby to reply, gathering the courage she said, "I-i love you too-o, weiss."

Weiss gathered the energetic girl in her arms and Ruby did the same holding her partner in her arms, being held back by the same person, it was pure pleasure being in those pristine white arms. After a while the two let go of each other.

Ruby heard the heiress ask a simple but very embarrassing question, "Will you sleep with me."

Ruby tilted her head looking like a small lost puppy, she wondered why Weiss would ask her to to sleep on the same bed. When Weiss asked Ruby's eyes became wet with unshed tears, the reason for those tears were unknown, but Ruby threw her arms at Weiss, and they landed on the bed Ruby on top, Weiss a little surprised.

When they landed Ruby placed her lips on the other young huntress'. It was a passionate kiss, one that would make other couples jealous, it was a kiss that harbored all of their feelings for each other, love, desire, lust and so much more emotion.

"Good night Weiss," Ruby said pulling away from the kiss, she laid her head down on the white haired girl.

"Good night Ruby," Weiss replied falling into a sleep that would challenge a grizzly bear's hibernation.

That night Ruby dreamed of a dream that would make people wake up screaming, she stayed asleep though, she was strong, she wouldn't be too scared.

The pair of orange eyes stared down at her and said "Beware the ones who are closest to you, Red." The eyes vanished and turned into something that would terrify any audience, even Ruby. It was the shape of Weiss strung up on a tree by a noose. Her friend, partner, her lover was hanging from a tree, dead.

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