Chapter 8- Tidal Wave of Pain

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Raph's POV

The punching bag swung as I finished beating it. I wiped the sweat off my head with my arm and headed towards my room. Opening the door, I started talking to Spike. "Hey Spike, you'll never believe it! I got a new record-" I looked around, but I didn't see him. "Spike? Spiiiiike? Where are you?" I was starting to get nervous. He wasn't anywhere I looked. I checked everywhere I could think of! "SPIKE!"

Jordon's POV

I patted Spike's head and sat down on the couch next to Joy. Surfing through the radio on the coffee table for a good station, I tried to strike up a conversation. "So, Joy, what type of music do you like?"

"Meh, a little bit of everything, but mainly pop-ish stuff." She said a little uninterestingly. Time to have some fun.

"Alrighty." I smiled and put it on 93.5 just as Dangerous by Cascada came on. I started singing along "Give me a break, I'm melting away, you're so dangerous~" Joy laughed as I started doing this little dance, waving around my arms and twirling on my feet.

Eventually she joined in as Spike watched us like he had a little smile on his face. "I'm outta control, cause you want it all, you're so dangerous~" We kept laughing at each other as we did weird little dance movements. The song ended and we both burst out laughing. "Well, I have to admit, Jordon, that was pretty fun."

Joy said with a grin.

"Yeah it was!" I grinned as well. Suddenly I heard a faint clatter near the side of the house. "Wait..." I put a finger up to my lip to silence her and turned off the radio. Whispering, "Did you hear that?" Another louder crash rang throughout the house as people crashed through the windows and kicked down the door. I growled at them as they came towards us. It was the Kraang.

"Um, Jordon? Are these friends of yours?" She said eyeing them.

"No. They're evil alien robots disguised all as the same guy. Don't worry about injuring them, they're just walking metal heaps that have brain things in their stomachs." I turned the radio back on- no time to grab my headphones- and My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boys came on. My eyes started getting red as I got in a fighting stance, growling at the robots as they began closing in. Something sparkly caught my eye. A couple of them were carrying mutagen canisters! "Oh, and whatever you do, don't touch the sparkly goo or you'll look like Raph forever."

She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah? Then I definitely won't touch it." She smirked and I let out a laugh. They were right on top of us and we started throwing punches and kicks.

A Kraang pulled out his gun and aimed at me. I kicked the weapon out of his hand, spun, and lashed out with my foot, connecting with his stomach and sending him flying backwards.

"The Kraang have to come to this place known as this place to capture the ones living in this place lived in by the ones we are to capture."

"They talk really annoyingly." Joy said irritatedly as she flipped over one and kicked it in the back, sending it forward.

"Tell me about it!" I said as I punched another in the face.

"You who live in this place, lived in by you, are to be cap-"

"SHUT UP!" I roared as I rammed into him and he fell backwards out the window.

"Niiiiiicccce." Joy smirked and I grinned. A while past and we had finally knocked enough Kraang down for them to retreat."Woohoo! We sure showed them!"

"Yeah we did!" As we begun to celebrate, I had a horrible, gut wrenching feeling. "Uh-oh..."


Where was he?

Suddenly, a giant shadow was cast over Joy and me. Hesitantly, we slowly looked over at the source. It was a huge mutant ninja turtle. Joy reacted first. "Is that..."

"Spike..." I said disbelieving. Spike roared and swung his fist at us. We both dodged and ran towards the door. "RUNN!!" We ran as fast as we could, with Spike still pursuing us.

"Bad Spike! No! Bad!" Joy shouted at him as we turned the corner into an alleyway. I frantically looked around for an escape as we hit a dead end. My eyes stopped on a manhole cover.

"There!" I pointed to it and Joy nodded. We both dived in, right before Spike entered the alley. We heard another roar as the manhole cover clattered shut behind us. "Go, Joy, go!" I said and we both started sprinting through the sewers.

We ran into a branching tunnel underground and stared at the manhole cover as if that would keep it closed. Grunts from the towering mutant traveled down to where we were, and I was hoping beyond hope that that was all that would travel down into the sewers. A moment later, I heard Spike take to the rooftops in pursuit of what he thought was our trail.

We did it. We tricked him. We're safe, at least for now.

"C'mon." Joy whispered. "I don't care where we go, but we can't stay here!"

"You're right. We need a little refuge. We need to get help. We need," I thought. The real reason in jumping down here wasn't to go to the lair. We just needed a place to hide. But the turtles seemed like our only option. "To go to the lair."

"Okay, maybe I care a little bit."

"Just c'mon!"


We entered the lair panting. I guess we were both a little spooked and we ended up running the whole way here. Leo noticed us and got up from watching TV. He came over to us looking somewhat worried. "Are you guys okay? What happened?"

"Spike. Spike happened." Joy said, her breathing returning to normal.

"What?" Leonardo asked confused.

"We were attacked... By the Kraang... They broke into the house...." I said getting a little choked up. "And, and Spike.." I couldn't keep back the tears that were traveling down my cheeks.

"Spike what, Jordon?" He asked gently.

Joy answered for me. "He got... Mutated..." She said sadly.

Leo just looked plain shocked and somewhat sad.

Joy just stared a little blankly at the floor while I sat on the floor sobbing, wishing none of that had happened.

Poor Spike. My poor little Spike. How would Raph react? He'd be enraged, he'd be heart broken, he'd be- "He WHAT? H-he... mutated?" He turned to Joy furiously. "You! Its your fault! Everything was just fine until you came along!" He'd be like that. His emerald eyes burned like fire with rage. "You probably came up with the idea of taking Spike, didn't you? And now look whats happened! Jordon-"

"It was Jordon's idea!" Joy yelled back at him. She wasn't trying to put the blame on me, but it wasn't right to pin it all on her.

He looked at me, hurt and speechless. Finally he found his voice. "Jordon? Is it... Is it true?"

I just nodded, trying to stop crying.

Raph looked pained, almost betrayed even. He started choking up and quietly said, "Go, just..." He shook his head. "Go Jordon!" Now he started yelling. "The two of you leave!" Turning around, the next thing quietly, but coldly said would shatter me. "I don't ever want to see you again." I broke, beyond easily fixing. Joy helped me up. She could sense how hurt I must be. Raphael spoke again, louder this time. "Now go!"

She glared at him as we begun walking out. There was no point in arguing with Raph, he sounded dead serious. In the corner of my blurry vision, I saw RC looking at us from the entrance of Donnie's lab.

Sorry guys. I'm so sorry for what happened. Raphael's right. It's my fault for not protecting Spike.

Joy and I climbed out of the sewers. It's like I could still feel the turtles watching me. Minus Raph. The crying had just about stopped. Over Spike. This new pain was going to hit me like a tidal wave later. "So... Where do you wanna go now, Jordon?"

She's right. We needed a new place to go to and we couldn't exactly go back to my place with Spike and the Kraang around. So....

Where should we go now?

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