Chapter 8

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Sweat dripped from her face as she frantically tried to hide in the weakness that swept her.

Her heart was pumping at a much faster rate than she had ever felt before. She was getting to the end of the story and the doubts grew stronger in her mind how the man across her would judge her.

Annette raised her eyes to watch the man, hands now rolling a bead of his rosary.

Yes. It is time.

"Father, do you remember the Christmas we had that year. When my husband was released on parole?"

There was a silent shake of head from the other end. Before he could say No, she continued her story.

"It was wonderful. That was the first time I actually saw my husband face to face, flesh to flesh. It was a great day! Also, your sermon was very appealing that day," Annette said, faint sobs returning to her voice, "It was simply great to have everyone together.

The chit chat, and the brightness that came back to the family. Even my new mentor friend was present there, and I introduced him to my husband as my life coach.

But John, he disapproved. You know how men could easily read each others expression and well, get inflicted with jealousy."

The priest cleared his throat again, "Yes, child, jealousy can be very cruel sometimes, it takes its toll on relationships."

"Well, I am assuming you already know what happened after that, then."

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