Ch. 2

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Dan's not sure if he's happy or upset when he hears the bell ring, dismissing them from school. When he's home, he doesn't have to face Alfie and his group, but when he's at school he doesn't have to be scared of his dad. Either way, it's a lose-lose.

Although Pj and Chris have offered Dan to stay with them many times, he's better off just going home.

"Dan, you can stay with me tonight or however long you need to, you know that, right?" Pj says. "Same with me Dan, we're here for you." Chris smiles politely at Dan, also a hint of concern coated on his face. "Thank you guys, I appreciate it. I really do, but really, my dad isn't that bad.. just when he's drunk." He lies. Chris and Pj both nod, looking uncertain but thankfully not questioning him.

"We'll see you tomorrow then?" Pj says, more of a question then a statement. It doesn't surprise Dan, he does have to miss a lot because of his dad, although he would always come up with some kind of excuse like 'he's sick' or something along those lines.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." He smiles. And with that, they walk their separate ways.

Everything was going fine that day until-

"Oi' faggot!" He hears a voice snarl and he stops dead in his tracks, not daring to turn around. Although he's not looking, he knows it's Alfie, and although he can't see him, he can almost feel him smirking.

"Schools over." He hears alfie whisper in his ear and next thing he knows he feels a shove and then he's face-to-face with the sidewalk.

"Hasn't anyone ever told you that you're a worthless piece of shit?" He hears someone say coldly.


He feels a kick to his ribs, which defiantly left a bruise.

"Just go kill yourself! Spoiled fuck!" Someone yells, which sounds a lot like joe sugg.

Joe sugg
The brother of Alfie's girlfriend
Aka; Alfie's Bestfriend

I feel someone roll me on my back, and I just lifelessly sit there. It's no use to fight back.

Kick after kick
Punch after punch
Every harsh word being spat at me like venom.
"See you tomorrow pretty boy." He hears alfies say, and then he's left alone on the sidewalk.

Nobody seemed to care, everyone just walked away, went along. They didn't even bother to watch anymore, For this is an everyday thing.

Eventually everyone left the school, and he was just sitting there, not being able to move. Everything aches and he doesn't feel like getting up.

For what felt like hours, but was actually probably 5 minutes he hears footsteps approach him.

"Er- are you okay?" He hears someone ask. "Does it look like I'm okay?" He snaps. "I mean.. no, but-" the voice starts but is almost immediately cut off by Dan.

"Leave, and let me get myself together."
"But you're not okay"
"I am."
"You're not!"

Dan sighs frustratedly.

"Let me help you" the boy says, and Dan finally opens his eyes and sees the one and only Phil Lester.

"No." he simply says, but blushes as he sees the beautiful boy standing above him. "Come on, please?" Phil asks, holding out his hand. Dan finally obliges and grabs the boy's hand, being firmly pulled up to his feet. "Ow." He whispers, feeling his back pop as he stands up, not to mention he can already feel forming  bruises.

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