Ch. 4

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Dans POV

Dan rushes out of his house, not even bothering to straighten his slightly curled hair, he just wants out of that hell-house he calls home.

Cuts are coated over his bruises. The ones that his bullies caused and the ones that his dad finished. It hurts, and he's in deep pain. But the sad thing about it is that he's used to this feeling. No one loves him, Pj and Chris maybe but no one else does.

With a sigh, he pulls his old hoodie over himself and hangs his head down low in attempts to not be noticed even though he just left his house. He's always paranoid.

He doesn't bother putting in earphones, not feeling like zoning out and running into anybody causing them to become angry, so he simply walks silently.

He kicks at the pebbles and keeps his head held low like always.

He feels a hand on his shoulder and instinctively tenses up. 'Not again' he thinks to himself, assuming it was Alfie or someone else who wants to hurt him.

But nothing happened. Instead, he heard a soft and gentle, "hey."

He knew that voice. It was Phil Lester, the new kid. Phil was not going to hurt him. After all, he did try to help him after school yesterday.

Even though Dan knew that Phil meant no harm, he did not say a word. He simply walked. Not looking up, or even starting a simple conversation. Dan had expected Phil to scurry on. To leave Dan behind, but he didn't. He just kept walking with Dan, not even forcing a conversation on him. Just walking. And this simple gesture made Dan feel comfortable and.. well, happy for some odd reason.

After about 13 minutes of walking that's when Dan finally gathered up enough courage to speak. "How was the party last night?" He asked, biting his lip and keeping his eyes fixated on his fidgeting hands. "Party?" He hears Phil's confused tone ask. Dan can almost feel Phil looking at him with confusion.

Dan bites his lip. "Yeah, I heard a girl invite you yesterday in class.. Alfies party." Dan manages to keep the bitter tone of disgust from coming out, but there is still a hint of it in his voice.

"Oh." Phil says, dragging on the "O" sound. "Yeah, that one. It was rescheduled actually. It's this Sunday." He explains. Dan can't help but to notice the cheerful tone in his voice as if he's happy about something. "In fact, I think it would be amazing if you could come." He adds, causing the color from Dans face to vanish.

'Alfies party? Is he really that idiotic?! If I show up at his party I'll end up being a damn piñata to him and all of his "buddies.." but then again, he doesn't even know that Alfie is his bully, so he can't get upset with him for offering.

Dan lets out an awkward chuckle and scratches the back of his neck, "umm.. thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to decline. I'm not one for parties and people." He laughs nervously, looking down to avoid eye contact with Phil.

Dan looks up when he hears the shuffling and the sound of a zipper being pulled, and notices phil has got out a pen and a piece of paper and is writing on it.

Phil smiles and rips out a small piece of paper and hands it to Dan. "Alright, but if you change your mind here's my phone number."

Dan feels a feeling he hasn't felt in a very long time.. happiness. And honestly, it's really confusing him. So many thoughts are swirling around his mind with questions he can not answer.

Why do I feel happy?
Why does he want to talk to me?
Why does he have a gorgeous smile?
Why am I asking that question?
Snap out of it Dan.

Dan just nods up at Phil and chuckles, "Don't count on it. Parties aren't my thing."

Phil chuckles and smiles down at Dan, "Then I'll take you somewhere else."

Dan blushes at the comment and almost feels comfortable in Phil's presence. Almost.

"Um.. yeah, sure. I guess, I mean -" Dan struggles to find the right choice of words before sighing softly. Phil just offers him a caring smile and walks off, disappearing from Dans sight.

Dan knows that he shouldn't get close enough to trust anyone, and he is sticking to his word. Phil is no exception, but it doesn't hurt to just hang out.. right?

Why would Phil talk to him? Why Dan?
It just doesn't make any sense in Dans mind. You see, Dans mind isn't exactly the 'ideal' place. While everybody dreams about rainbows and happiness, Dan dreams about having a happy life. A stable home with his mother back.

Dan sets down on the ground, admiring the school for the first time, well, ever. It almost seems.. peaceful. No one is there, just Dan left to gather his thoughts. Right now, the only thing Dan sees is a place of learning. No alfie, or any judging kids. Just a place that everybody blames and hates for the actions of others.

And then the bell rings, and another day of hell starts.
Damn I haven't updated in aGes.
I'm not dead.
This is just a fillerish chapter, I will be updating a longer chapter possible next week

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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