Ch. 3

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Phil snaps out of his thoughts whenever he hears his door open with a loud creek, which reminds him that he really needs to fix the creaking in his door because it's annoying as hell.

He looks up to see his mother and looks down to roll his eyes so his mother wouldn't see.

"Ever heard of knocking mum? I could have been changing or anything." Phil states, looking up to her and cocking his eyebrow. "Well, I did give birth to you." she scoffs and sits down on the edge of his bed. "We need to talk." She says, and he give her a look of concern.

"Is this about the neighbors?" Phil starts, "Cause it wasn't my fault, i was trying to throw the ball past the house but the wind started blowi-" Phil starts, but is cut off by his mother, "no! No not that, it's about your da- wait.." she trails off and then looks at Phil with a huff.

"What about the neighbors?" She says, crossing her arms and glaring at Phil. Phil scratches the back of his neck and chuckles nervously.

He may have accidentally busted the neighbors window when he was throwing his baseball (which he doesn't even know why he owns a baseball because he doesn't play) in random places and not paying attention he busted the window. Gladly they didn't see him cause he ran, but it didn't make a difference. The house looked beaten down and old anyways.

"We'll talk about that later, but for now I wanted to tell you that your dad is sadly not going to be home for a few months at the least." She states sadly and phil tilts his head. "Why not?" He asks.

"Because he can't start his job here in London until he finishes up his old one, and he needed to stay because we need money to support us." She explains.

Speaking of his dad, He got a job in London that has a higher salary and pays more, which is why they had to move in the first place. Phil didn't mind it though, a new school means a new start. It's not like he was Mr. Popular in his old school anyways.

"Well it's not like we ever seen him anyways. He was always at work and when he was home he was working.. it really doesn't make a difference." He looks down at his fidgeting hands, avoiding eye contact with his mother.

He hears his mother sigh quietly and feels her warm hand rest on his shoulder. "You know he loves us, right? We just need the money to support our family." She speaks softly. Phil simply nods. He feel a soft pat on his knee before he hears shuffling on his bed and a soft shut from the door signaling that he mother has left his room.

His dad is a very hard working man, and Phil knows that. Unlike his bond with his mother, He was never close with his father growing up. He doesn't know much about his father, but he's a good man and nothing the less. Well, from what he knows and has seen.

With a yawn, Phil decides to sit cross-legged on his unmade bed in front of the window, watching the sunset. He groans in boredom and looks over to see his clock is already flashing 6 O'clock.

Why the bloody hell is he watching the sunset at 6:00 pm?

He figures that going outside and doing something would probably help with his boredom, but who would willingly go outside just to be bitten by bugs and snugged in the extremely hot weather that could give anyone a stroke. In Phil's opinion, the outside absolutely sucks.

And also, what is he going to tell his mom about that window? "Oh yeah, I broke the next door neighbors window while throwing a baseball, but I ran so it's okay" he thought sarcastically.

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