Ready,set, Attack!

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When shino looked behind him he saw his beetles they were being controlled by you, still face first you started making hand signs with one hand and another with your other hand. In your left hand there was red markings running down your arm your right arm was being covered in white writing shino broke out of His own insect death trap getting an attack ready and you too the crowd was tense.

With the others
"Woah" kiba said "their completely berserk out there." kiba watched you two exchange hits punches and kicks, "buakugan!" hinata shouted "y/n seems to be building some kind of chakara. And it might be shino's chakara she's building up."

" what makes you say that?"
" she doesn't doge shino's Attack and takes them strait on they hurt her I can see but, every hit seems to build up here chakara."
"so your saying she's going to counter attack with shino and her chakara at the same time?"
"I'm not sure if that's what's going on but maybe you right."

Kakashi pov
y/n from the c/n clan interesting. Her fighting style seems weak but those markings are seals are something and the other is a chakara counter. those techniques are far to advanced for a ninja her age but I guess that's what I have to expect from a c/n clan, but this just seems like something is happening.

"sand hokage" pov
She seems like a perfect vessel maybe a plan b if the uchiha boy doesn't work.

Back to you! 2nd pov
You felt like you were beaten to crap. Shino on the other hand has a couple of bruises
You started using a part of shino's and my chakara to paralyze him
(here some visuals 100%-30% to paralyze shino)
Shino fell to the ground shino strained to look at you.

Shino POV
Y/n started to make some kind of seal and a portal opened, six of them, a demonic hand came out and grabbed the outer part of the portal like it's struggling to get out if the demon has a hard time getting out then y/n must have a hard time keeping the portal opened ' I thought ' but y/n might get seriously hurt or worse die. I have to stop her now.

Everyone POV
What is that?!

Your POV
damn! I don't have enough chakara to keep the portal open or big enough for Abraxus (the demon and pronounced a-brax-sus)
Your chakara was just hanging by a thread now before you could you could push your self your whole body collapsed.

2nd POV
After you collapsed the paralyzed shino got up, well, more like dragged himself up before you can fall he caught you paramedics came in and took you away it was sauske and gaara's fight.

With you

You were being closely watched you nearly depleted your chakara to zero. Shino and some of his friends came to see how you were doing they were asking you questions like how you learned to open portals or what was Abraxus and how did you summon him the boys seemed a little close to you but you ignored that. Shino and the boys seemed especially worried.

A/n tell me whaddya think is it alright what do I need t add don't stay silent or else it'll be sucky forever!

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