chapter 7 *Edited*

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'Merlin!’ Orla muttered sleepily. ‘What time is it?’ When she sat up, Remus realised she was still wearing her slightly crumpled school uniform.

‘Three in the morning,’ Remus said from the other side of the room. He was loading books into his bag, ready for the Marauders’ usual early morning study session. Orla made a rude hand gesture and tried to roll over, failing because she and Sirius were still stuck together.

‘Paddy, get up!’ James bellowed. Remus watched without surprise as James shot a jet of water at him and chuckled when Sirius yelped and sat upright, cursing.

Orla grumbled something incoherent about the time and tried to bury her head under her pillow. James looked at Remus and winked. ‘Orla, honey,’ James said gently, ‘McGonagall said to wake you. The library’s on fire.’

‘No, it’s not,’ she muttered. ‘They would have evacuated us by now.’

‘Good point,’ Remus said thoughtfully. ‘James?’

‘On it. The spell’s “Incendio”, right?’

‘James!’ Orla growled sitting up. She looked quite scary with her blue bed-tussled hair.

‘Joking!’ James said hastily, tripping over his pile of bedding. He landed sprawled on the floor. Remus chuckled. "Orla, you know I would never do that! You're like a sister to me,’

She gave him a hard stare that Remus was sure he would have quailed under, but James held his ground. Suddenly, Orla looked away, blushing. James’ went red too, looking down at his bare chest.

Sirius relieved the tension in the room by shaking his head like a dog would, trying to get dry. Peter squealed when water hit him, so Sirius pulled out his wand and blasted the fair-haired boy with more liquid. Remus and James laughed hysterically.

'How immature are you guys!' Orla said, waving her wand to dry the soaking boy.

Peter smiled at her. 'Your just a bad, Orla,' he said. 'But thanks.' He grinned and waved his wand at Sirius.

The shaggy haired boy easily dodged the slow-coming water and shook his head at James. 'More force next time, Wormtail,' he said grinning.

Peter laughed as James asked, 'Where did we go wrong, Pads? Pete had such potential... Next he'll be rubbing shoulders with Slytherins!'

'And what's wrong with that?' Orla "Lily said Sev-.

'-No!' James shouted. 'You can't say that name in here. We hexed the room,' he added guiltily.

'What?' Peter demanded. 'Is that why I get those boils?! You told me the house-elves mustn't have washed the sheets properly!' Sirius and James shared a guilty look. 'Moony, did you know about this?'

'It doesn't surprise me,' Remus admitted, looking amused. 'I certainly didn't believe it was the sheets.'

Sirius clapped him on the back with his free hand, looking proud. 'Nothing gets past you, mate.' James sniggered.

'You're all idiots,' Orla said, exasperatedly. She wasn't looking at any of them.

‘Orla, none of us sleep in shirts,' Sirius said, rolling his eyes. Most people thought Remus was the perceptive one, but Sirius seemed to be able to read people's minds whenever it suited him. It was quite uncanny.

'I-' she started, still not looking at him.

'Then look at us.' When she didn't, he laughed. 'Get over it.’ She managed to look at him incredulously, but baulked when she realised he too was shirtless. He held his own, not looking embarrassed at all, but then, with the number of girls he had slept with that was not really surprising. ‘Yes,’ he in a decidedly exasperated voice, ‘it’s a bellybutton. You have one too.’

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