chapter 25 *Edited*

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Dumbledore’s wizened hand brushed Sirius’ neck. ‘I was afraid of this,’ he said, as his long fingers searched for a pulse. His face relaxed considerably upon finding one. The boy really did look pale.

‘Professor, what’s wrong with him?’ Remus asked, hovering over his friend with a look of intense concern. Anyone who thought Werewolves were monsters with no emotional capacity would only need to look at the boy's face to be proven wrong.

‘I attempted to assess the damage with Legillimency,’ Dumbledore said unhappily. ‘I should have given him more warning about how I was going to do it... I got a sense of familiarity when I entered his mind and something about Lord Voldemort before I was shoved out...’ He had not expected Sirius Black of all people to be an Occlumens, or to even be able to sense his presence; he’d been very careful, just in case the boy hadn’t been Sirius Black. He was of course, Dumbledore was sure of that now.

‘Why’d he pass out then?’ James demanded. He was kneeling at Sirius’ side with a carefully blank expression on his face, though his eyes were swirling with worry, confusion, anger, and several other emotions besides. Such a display of compassion was not something to be expected of a Potter, but then again, James had always been surprising.

‘He is simply over-tired,’ Dumbledore said calmly. ‘Without his memory he is very confused and I think this topped it off and overwhelmed him... there will be no permanent damage caused by my actions, I assure you.’ At least he hoped so; he had not fought to stay in Sirius’ mind once the boy began to push him out – such actions could cause huge damage.

‘What about damage caused by the Cruciatus Curse?’ James said roughly, shaking Remus’ calming hand off his shoulder.

A troubled expression painted itself on Dumbledore’s face. ‘I can’t say. He will go to St Mungo’s Hospital to the Spell Damage Ward. Poppy Pomfrey is a very capable Healer, but this is hardly something a school nurse can be expected to treat.’

‘When are you taking him?’

‘As soon as Alastor returns.’

‘Can we go with you, Professor?’ Lily asked, from over by the bar. Horace had arrived just after Sirius was rendered unconscious and was quite distraught by the sight of the ruined pub and an unconscious student. Lily had agreed to try to calm him down, and until now, the two had been planning a Christmas Party.

‘Not today, Miss Evans,’ Dumbledore said. The girl’s face fell and her eyes flicked to James’ prone form. ‘I apologise for that, but after this whole fiasco, I think it unwise to have students so far from the school, even if I am with them. Mr Black’s condition seems stable for the moment, so, as he’s not in any serious danger, I see no reason for you to accompany him. Perhaps I can arrange for you to visit Mr Black tomorrow evening instead.’

Lily nodded and turned back to Horace a little unwillingly. Dumbledore suddenly became aware of the calculating looks on James and Remus’ faces and didn’t know whether to chuckle or groan. Upon seeing him watching them, the two seventh years assumed innocent expressions and glanced down at their friend again. Dumbledore made a mental note to warn Minerva as soon as he arrived back at the school.

A loud pop alerted him to Alastor’s presence. ‘Albus,’ the Auror said in his gravelly voice. ‘Any change in the boy?’


‘They’ve sent me with a Portkey,’ Alastor said, without preamble, pulling a medallion bearing a crossed wand and bone out of his robes. ‘It’s set to leave in three minutes.’

‘Am I able to accompany him?’ Dumbledore asked. After this afternoon’s events, he was reluctant to let one of his students go wherever the Portkey took him. 

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