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Chapter 3: Invasion

I storm up to my room, taking the stairs two at a time. Who does she think she is? Judging me on how I look before I had finished breakfast; before I have even dressed myself. Does she know that not everyone looks flawless when they wake up in the morning?

Once I reach my room I slam my door closed to prove to her how pissed off she just made me. I pressed play on my stereo system and turned it right up so that the heavy screams were audible throughout the entirety of the house. That will rightfully piss her off. I make my way into my ensuite to let the hot tap run in the shower. I then found my way to my walk in wardrobe to pull out the darkest thing I own. There is a vast variety of choices.

I dig out my black Doc Martins as well as my Iron Maiden tee shirt. I find my torn stockings in my hosiery draw to wear underneath my black short shorts.

I move all of the items to my bed for when I exit the shower.

When I reach the bathroom I rip open my pyjama top, still furious at my mother's comment during breakfast. I hear the buttons of the shirt fall to the floor, creating a calming tapping noise on the warm, yet wet, tiles.

Once I am undress, I step into the steamy shower. The hot water relaxing my tense muscles.

Between the heavy music and the steaming room, I find myself soothed and calmed in no time. I wash my hair in record timing leaving me a lot of time to shave my legs.

By the time I have silky smooth legs the CD has finished. I take this as my mother's was of telling me to get out of the shower.

I wrap a towel around my hair to leave sit on my head while I dress. I drape another towel around my body, as it dries.

I dig my laptop out from the draw in my bedside table and wait for it to turn on. While I wait, I begin to think of all the possible things that could have happened around the world, whilst I slept in the wee hours of this morning.

Oh look, Kim Kardashian sent an email to Khloe about how much of an evil bitch she is. All Khloe did was wake her up. Oh Dear Lord, I have never had a stronger connection with a person in my entire life. I continue to scroll through my dash which is covered in tattoos, bands and humorous text posts with the occasional fandom invasion. But that is to be expected when you run a Tumblr blog.

Once I had spent about half an hour scrolling through my dashboard and reblogging a couple of things, I decided to answer some of the questions in my ask box. And as always it is full to its capacity.

Where are u from? Australia, mate.

How old are you? 17

You are so pretty. I love your blog. Thank you so much, lovely.

What do want to do when you finish school? I am sort of leaning towards Tattoo artist atm

Can we hang out some time? Come off anon and we can hang out whenever you want ;)

When you die can I have your blog? Only if you show up as Grim Reaper to my funeral.

Have a nice day, or night, Charlie. You two, darling! Stay fine.

What are you allergic to? Seafood :(

I finish answer just a few more question I log off and dressed.

Once I pull my docs over my feet, I stubble back into the bath room with my towel in hand and pulling the other one off my head.

I quickly finish drying the small part of my hair that is still wet, so I can tame the matted mess. I run some treatment through the ends to keep them from splitting from being tossed around in the wind. I run the straightener over my hair slightly and cover my eyes with a dab of concealer to rid them of the dark circles and I am ready to go, not that I am excited to be.

I shove my lip balm and my phone into my black satchel which was covered in gold studs, when I hear mum shout my name from the front door.

Wish me luck, guys. I may not return.


Hey guys there will be a fair share of tumblr terminology throughout this book. I understand that some of you aren't on tumblr so please if you are curious to know what is what please don't hesitate to ask. thank you so much for reading as well but can I ask a small favour of you? please press the vote button. it only takes a second. I will not always put A/N at the end of chapters. I will only put one there if I feel obligated. Vote please cheers x

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