Chapter 8

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WARNING: I do not condone rape of ANY sort. This is simply a story, and not what I believe to be right. RAPE IS NOT OKAY!

You watched as Eren ran the other way, furious and obviously feeling betrayed. You quickly started to adjust yourself again, pulling your pants back up and running for the wall entrance. You looked around or your boyfriend, spotting him off the corner of your eye and sprinting over. Even though you now had a fake leg, it acted as if it were real.

"Eren, wait!" you yelled out.

He didn't stop walking, but he glanced back at you with angered eyes, seeing that tears were ready to fall.

You continued to run after him, grabbing his arm once you caught up.

"Hey-", you started.

But he pulled his arm away from you just as quickly as you grabbed it. You stopped walking, upset that he wouldn't let you talk to him about the event with his best friend.

"Just let me talk to you about it, Eren! I'm sure we can figure something out."

He stopped walking, looking forward before turning back to you. Behind you, you could hear footsteps running up. You looked to see that it was Armin.

"Eren, ________!" he yelled as he approached the two of you, out of breath from the sprint.

"You stay the hell out of this, Armin!" Eren yelled.

"Eren, just hold o-"

"Fuck that! You know what, _________, I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

"Wait...boyfriend?" Armin questioned.

Shit. No one ever told him.

You turned to look at Armin, taking a deep breath before explaining.

"3 weeks ago, when I was injured from my leg being bitten off, Eren asked me to be his girlfriend. It was just after you left and we were meaning to tell you when the time was right."

You waited for a response from Armin, but the only thing he gave you was a twisted expression. It looked confused, upset, hurt, angered, and jealous all at once.

"Armin...", Eren started, "I'll forgive you because you're my best friend. But as for her", he glanced over at you with hate, "we can't do a single thing to help what she really is".

You felt as if a cord snapped in your chest. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt o bad. You clenched your chest with a pained expression, trying to breath it out as Armin and Eren walked away with one another. The only one who gave you another glance was Eren, another hurt expression upon his face before he looked forward again.

This put a pretty bad reputation on you now. But luckily, there weren't any witnesses at the scene of the crime, other than Armin and Eren. But, could you still trust Eren to keep your actions a secret? Or would you have to "deal" with him?

You took in another deep breath before turning around, finding the Corporal standing there with his arms crossed and a very bleak expression. What the hell is it with everyone and their fucking face today?

"So, you finally fucked up", he stated.

You growled at him, careful not to snap back. You held your tongue whenever Levi was here. You weren't ready to take another beating like last time.

"If you'd kindly step out of the way, I would like to go back to my cabin", you tried to say as nicely as possible.

Levi rose a brow, which is probably the most emotion you've ever seen him have.

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