Chapter 11

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You were in a light sleep when you heard a loud crash outside your quarters.


"What the hell-!?" you said out loud.

You quickly ran to your door, not bothering to put on a robe of any sort. You stood in your own doorway with a plain white T-shirt and blue pajama shorts on. You looked around, trying to find the scene. You noticed large clouds of smoke over in the 2nd District, which was closest to the Wall. You hurriedly dressed yourself in uniform, sprinting towards the mess.

Once you arrived there, you tried to get a closer look, but weren't allowed anywhere past the caution tape. You noticed Levi standing at the top of one of the larger buildings, also trying to see what was happening. With your gear on, you pulled yourself up next to him.

"The hell happened?" you asked him casually.

He glared over at you slightly, giving you that cold look he gave everyone else. You rolled your eyes at him, groaning in slight annoyance. You stood at attention before speaking again.

"Corporal Levi. _______ _________ reporting for question; The hell happened!?" you asked again, but in a more formal way.

Levi had his arms crossed over his chest as his body weight shifted to his left hip.

"Jaeger." he answered directly.

"Eren? In what way does he have anything to do with this? Was he the one who-", you were interrupted by a familiar voice.

It was high-pitched, and sounded almost feminine. But, you only knew one person who sounded that way without a single voice crack. He ran out of the smoke, showing himself to the soldiers who were ready to shoot. 


"He isn't the enemy of mankind! We're willing to share all the intelligence we've gathered!", he yelled.

"Begging for your lives is useless now! Surrender! Give us proof showing that he is not the enemy!" an older Captain commanded.

But Armin just kept going.

"There's no need for further proof! The issue isn't how we see him! You said everybody saw him. Then they must've seen him fighting the Titans too! And they must've seen all the Titans ganging up against him! The Titans see him as prey, just like the rest of mankind! Nothing you say can change that fact!!"

You heard others gasp in belief. The soldiers, armed and ready to fight, had loosened their grips on their swords. Whispers went around, seeing the blonde had a good point.

"That's true", one stated.

"A Titan as an ally...? That can't be...", another one stated.

"________. I give you permission to deal with this idiot", Levi said with absolute confidence. He looked over at you, still having that stoic expression. "Put the asshole in his place and bring him to me once you've finished."

Levi walked away with slight disinterest, but soon stopped to add something.

"Oh, and, uh...bring Jaeger with you."

Hopping roof tops before landing on the ground safely, he continued his walk.

There was a slight pause. The crowd around fell silent. You had a bad feeling about this.

After a good 30 seconds, the crazed Upper Class Captain gave his order.

"Don't fall for his lies! He's deceiving us all! Prepare to attack! On my mark-", he yelled.

But you quickly interrupted him before he could finish.

"Stop right there, Admiral", you said loud enough, but in a calm tone. You jumped down from the top of the building and made your way over.

"W-What!? Who the hell are you!?" He asked with confusion. He looked down at your badge and scoffed.

"You have no right to speak to me like that Cadet! Get back in your pla-"

You didn't have time to deal with this fucker. Before he could finish his statement, you took a single sword from your gear, placing the tip to the bottom of his chin until blood dripped.

"Now you listen to me, Admiral; Corporal Levi gave me orders to deal with your loose mind. Now, we can either do this your way, or, get physical and do things my way. Your choice."

You gave him that same glare Levi gives you whenever you don't address him by title. He scoffed again, tapping your sword off of him.

"You don't scare me. You're just another soldier! We put kids like you on the field for a reason! You have no right to-"

You sweeped his feet, causing him to fall flat on his ass. You took a step towards him as if you were going to plunge your weapon deep into his chest. But you had mercy on him, and simply pinned his arm down as the blade ripped through the fabric.

"You dare defy me?" you said in question as you took out another sword, pinning his other arm down.

"I gave you specific orders, Admiral", you pinned down his shirt.

"And I expect you", pinning the other side.

"To fucking", holding up your last blade to his neck, ready to slice it off if he defied you again.


You looked him dead in the eye again.

"Now, I'll ask you this one more time; Would you rather cooperate and not get your ass handed to you, or struggle and be dealt with by The Corporal himself?"

The other cringed in slight fear, not wanting to look into your cold stare. As he lie pinned to the dirty ground, you waited for his plea.

"Fine, fine! I'll go! Just...don't chop me up!" he cried.

You stood up straight again, putting your last sword away, but leaving him on the ground.

"Clean up this mess, soldiers! And make sure this asshole gets to the Corporal A-SAP. As for the rest of you", you started, seeing as they still had their guns at the ready. You groaned in annoyance again.

"For fucks sake, lower your god damn weapons! If none of you are aware, this young man is the smartest one here! If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have any plans on taking down these Titans! Put your fucking guns away!"

The soldiers lowered their weapons, standing at attention in unison.

"Yes, Ma'am!"

You turned around to find Armin looking at you with a slight blush, but he soon looked away. You simply glared at him, but soon looked past his expression and walked over to Eren. You looked up at what looked to be a Titan's skeleton, but it was generated from Eren's back. Kneeling down to Eren's height, you placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You're fine, Eren. You can get up now. But...try putting your little experiment away first. Corporal Levi wants to have a word with you."

You noticed Mikasa standing next to him, her scarf tattered and worn out. You smiled at her, happy she was finally back from her mission with Hanji. You and her helped Eren up, the Titan remains falling to pieces and disappearing without a single trace. You. Eren. Mikasa, and Armin all headed towards Headquarters, not knowing what would happen after Eren's little...incident.

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