Thanksgiving - Juan x Reader (Saloonatics)

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You've merely heard about the bandits. Everyone has told you about how they've got something stolen from them while you're lucky to not even have seen one near your things.

You had just bought a turkey for Thanksgiving to feed to your family. You provided their food today because this holiday is special to you.

Living in the Wild West isn't easy, though. You had to constantly worry about a lot of things. Like drunks. Or bandits. Or drunk bandits. But you felt nothing would go wrong today.

You had been wrong.

You walked home, turkey meat in your hands. There was a gust of wind. And just like that, some hands from behind you attempted to grab your turkey.

"Hey!" You shouted, swatting the hands away and turned around to see who it was.

He was a scrawny little bandit who dressed in blue. His pupils were awfully small.

"Oi, s-sorry." He apologized, and looked away. He looked genuinely sorry. Someone doesn't know how to be a bandit.

🦃 Time Skip 🦃

Your family was eating turkey and other Thanksgiving classics together. You were telling the story to everyone how you had just nearly escaped a bandit.

"And then..." You continued. "I felt hands from behind me. It was a bandit! He was trying to steal the turkey!"

"Oh, that's me!" You heard a familiar voice. It was the bandit, waving through the window.

He then just realized that he revealed himself and covered his flustered face with his hands.

Everyone stared at him. He stared at everyone. Nobody knew what to do.

"I'm s-sorry..." He stuttered, and walked off. He seemed very desperate.

"Wait." You ordered. He froze and turned around. He looked like he was about to cry.

You picked up a plate and put a little bit of everything on it and a plastic fork. You handed it to him through the window and chuckled. "It's not like we were going to finish all of this ourselves."

He set it down and hugged you, tears pouring down his face. "Oh, thank you!" He weeped. You returned his hug and patted him on the back. These were the kind of things you were thankful for.


Jon ran to the other two bandits with his plate, Eduardo and Marco. "Look what I got!" He showed them.

They ended up splitting the meal.

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