Sleepy - Eduardo x Reader

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This is what you've learned from past experience:
1. Eduardo snores. Every. Night.
2. There's nothing so far that'll get him to stop.
3. He doesn't wake up for anything.
Another night. Time to see how long it'll keep you up THIS time. You think that you'd get used to it after a while, right? Well, that apparently doesn't apply to you.

You've tried everything to keep Eduardo from snoring. Nothing seems to do the trick, though. But you've got something up your sleeve tonight. It might not stop it forever, but it'll hesitate for a bit.

"Ok, let's do this." You thought to yourself as you lay next to the sleepy man. You sat up and pinched his nose with two fingers. This only resulted in a weirder, more distorted snore.

Then, with your other hand, you pinched his open mouth closed a bit. You bent down and gave him an unforgiving smooch.

He woke immediately, but his franticness came to an automatic halt after he'd realized what had happened. "Oh, (Y/N). Adorable." He tiredly smiled.

You really couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic if not. Maybe a mix of both. But nonetheless, he gave you a half-assed kiss and drifted back to sleep.

You two slept problem-free for the rest of the night. Even though he did end up snoring again soon enough.

((aHA H
sorry that was super weird and short but there was an attempt

are you proud of me yet SchwiftyIsHere ))

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