The pain

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Tada next chapter is here! Enjoy!

Mystery pov
"You weren't suppose to go that far!" I stressed. The hidden man scoffed. "Shut up, it'll teach her a lesson. She needed it. Aren't you doing worse things?" He mocked. I grew angry. "You said that I would be free if I did this!" I shout back. He laughed. "We all have a price to pay my little dear. See you in months end." He then left. I sighed and sank to the ground. I have to do this! It's for my family! I have no choice...

Spencer's pov
"Honey, are you alright?" My dad came into my room. I sniffled up my tears. "Who would do this? The eastern pack?" I question. He sighs and tousled my hair. "I'm not sure, it's an ongoing investigation." He explained. I sighed. "Ongoing... when will it end? We don't need an investigation we need justice! Hunter shouldn't have died like that! He-" I broke down once more, crying as loud as I could. I loved my brother so much and the fact he died when things between us weren't so great hurt me. I didn't have a chance to say a proper goodbye! "Oh sweetheart..." my dad engulfed me in a hug and I clung onto him. It hurt. It hurt like hell. I didn't like it one bit! Losing someone you love so suddenly... he was so young... he had a family who loved him so deeply! "Come on I want to show you something." My Dad let's go of me as he looks down at me. Show me something? "I don't want to go. Sorry..." I go to turn around and alt down when my father picks me up. "I'm by taking a no for an answer!" He states. I get angry. "Put me down! Let me be! Stop this!!" I yell. My father stays true to his word and starts walking. "Mom help!" I shout, kicking my legs and pushing at my father to let me down. He drags me kicking and screaming all the way to wherever he wanted to bring me. Making sure to walk through town on the way. Finally he dumps me back on the ground and we are at a clearing in the forest. We're are in a grassy hill that over looks a valley. It's beautiful and the hills seem to flow and whip around with the wind. A strong breeze blows through the tall hills and circles around me. I close my eyes, inhaling the fresh scent. The smell of nature calms me. My brother... he is gone now isn't he? "I miss him... I didn't say goodbye. I didn't tell him how much I love him! I didn't tell him it wasn't his fault!!" I look to my dad, the tears building up in my eyes. He opens his arms wide and I go running into them. Colliding with him I feel his arms circle around me tightly. "I know sweetheart, I even yelled at him. The last time I saw him was the first time in forever that I had seen him... I'm plagued with that guilt but I also know that he wouldn't want us to live in agony of his death. He's want us to go on and live and avenge him in a righteous way." My father whispers softly into my messy hair. My thin pajamas blow slightly in the wind, giving me goosebumps. "Spencer?" A famously voice calls. I'm a bit surprised at who I find out here but greet her with a smile. "Marie." I turn to walk over to her when my father stops me. "Spencer how do you know her?" He asks, a angry tone taking over his calm voice. I raise an eyebrow. "It's Marie. I use to be friend with her when I was little I guess... she moved back after moving away. We're friends. Why?" I ask. I look back at Marie and her face is petrified. Huh? What's going on? My mind flashes back to Kyle's words. Don't trust her! "Dad?" I question. My dad growls. "She is part of the eastern pack Spencer. You shouldn't trust her!" He explains. I freeze. What?! I spin back toward Marie, my mouth dropping open. "Is that true? Are you part of the eastern pack?" I ask. Her eyes water up and her chin trembles giving anyone who pays attention to her actions an answer. My heart feels so betrayed! Here I thought I had an actual friend but I guess not. "Marie were you the one who killed my brother?" Now it's me who's chin trembles and my voice cracks as I try to hold back the tears welding up inside me. She shakes her head, the tears spilling over. "No! Please Spencer believe me I had no part in your brothers death! I admit that I am still with the eastern pack but he's holding my family captive so I had no choice but to follow his orders but I swear in my life I would never hurt your brother! He was my mate he just never knew..." her head falls. My eyes widen. My brother was her mate?! "H-how could you!!" I rush toward her and tackled her to the ground. "You, you, gahhh!!" I screamed out in pure fury. My only "friend" was my enemy!! I raise my fist ready to punch when I stop. Her hands are raised to protect her self from my attack but she doesn't cry out. She wants me to hit her. She wants me to hate her. Marie... her family is being held captive? My eyes widen. The eastern wolf wanted me when I was little so my father went in place. If he wouldn't have I would of ended up just like Marie. I collapse on her, bawling my eyes out once more. "Spencer?!" My Dad questions. I shake my head and hug Marie. "I ant hate her... she didn't kill Hunter and she didn't mean any harm, look at her." I manage to say all this while crying. Marie also begins to cry, clinging on to me. "I-I'm so sorry!!" She cries out. "Wretched brat! You can't even do your job!" A male voice booms out. My eyes pop open and I look around. That's when I see him. The alpha of the eastern pack. My eyes narrow and is tad up. I will kill him. I run after him. "Spencer no!!" My dad tries to stop me but his warning is too late. As soon as I reach the alpha he takes his claws and slams them into my side. My eyes widen. Shit! He throws me into a tree and I hit it with my back. The pain I feel numbs me and I cough up blood. I grip my side with begins to pool blood. "No!" Marie cries out right before a dagger is plunged into her back. She goes stiff, her cries stopping. She falls to the ground, her eyes still open and a slow trickle of blood running out of her mouth. I fill with more rage. "You damn monster!!!" I shout with rage. I charge after him once more he effortlessly stops me by wrapping his big hands around my neck and lifting me off the ground. I glare at him as I try and pet the hand away. "Stop this! Let her go!!" My Dad rushes in. "N-no!" I try to stop him. My dad grits his teeth. "Leave her be, I will go back to the pack." My Dad says. No! He can't leave! He just got back! My mothers heart will be crushed! "No! D-Dad!" I try to reach out for him. "And you'll stay? How can I trust you?" Without a second thought he pulls out a gun and shoots my dad in the head. NO!!! "Now what to do with you??" He turns to me. A fiery burning fury ignited within me and swing my leg up, kicking the man in the face very hard, breaking his nose. "Gah!" He goes to hold his nose, letting go of me. "I'm going to murder you. Not kill you quick and easy but drag you out and watch you die." I growl. My eyes turn black and soon Lila is brought out and I'm in full wolf state. His eyes widen. "No! But how!" His great drives him to pull the gun on me. I freeze. Damn him! "My wolves have completed their mission so we're done here." He states. I growl. What mission is he talking about? "We have your mother and if you ever want to see her again you'll let me go." He says. I get lower to the ground, my teeth baring and my tail whipping around. That damn bastard! He can't leave my family alone can he?! I have no choice. I change back into my human form and he smirks. "Good doggy." With that he runs away and I grind my teeth together. "Damn!" I scream out, punching the tree. A flock of birds squawk and fly off, startled by my scream. Within minutes scout wolves are surrounding me. "Luna! What happened?!" They ask. The fire that was ignited won't leave me and I clench my fists. "We've just received a declaration of war." I state. I then walk away and head to the pack house. There I am greeted with curious eyes. I walk in and search for Kyle. Finally I find him in a meeting with the past Luna's and alphas. And they didn't think to invite me? How rude! I laugh, catching their attention. Kyle whips his head toward me. "Spencer.." his eyes roaming body, no doubt catching the bruises around my neck and the blood spilling out of my side. I glare at him. "While I've been battling our enemy you've been in here doing what exactly?" I ask. Lila barks at me. Watch your tongue these are our superiors!! I take in a breath. "What I mean is; Marie had betrayed our pack but she's dead. Her own alpha killed her. My father is also dead, he was trying to protect me. These killers are the same people who have killed my brother. The eastern wolves. Their alpha just gave me these wounds and have taken my mother hostage." I explain, my eyes going into a dead lock with the current Luna- Kyle's mother. She stars back at me. "Oh by the way, I'm not a halfbreed anymore. I've turned into my full wolf." I state. Kyle's eyes widen. "Spencer...!" He's shocked I can tell. I scoff. They're all shocked. Every last one of the past alphas and Luna's and some betas. "If you'll excuse me I'll be going now. Just thought I'd let you know about this before they do anymore damage. I mean it's practically a declaration of war-" "Spencer!" Kyle shouts, his voice that if a true alpha. I freeze. You've take it too far! Lila warns. Damn! "I understand you are upset but I'm afraid you can't just barge in here on your own accord." I can tell he doesn't like saying that but he has too. Suddenly his mother stands up. "No she's right. We all need to come together now. Not just us leaders or alphas. The whole pack needs to come together and fight our enemy. They have almost completely obliterated this girls family. All she has left is her mother and her mate. If we don't stop these wolves now then an era of terror will befall the land!" She ends her speech. Everyone's silent for a minute but soon they are all agreeing and nodding their heads. I smile. We will take down our enemy! "The alpha is mine!" I lay claim the alpha s he is the only one I want to kill. "Meeting adjourned we will head out for war in the next week!" Kyle shouts. He watches as everyone leaves and I stay with him. Once the place is cleared out I walk over to him. "Kyle..." he looks over at me. He opens his arms and I scamper into them. The weight of all that's happen comes crashing down on me but I don't cry. "I'm so sorry Spencer. You've lost so much..."Kyle hugs me tightly. This hug reminds me of my father. "My father held me like this just moments ago and the eastern pack alpha didn't even blink when he killed him. How cruel..." I whisper. Kyle holds onto me tighter. "I'll never leave you!" He vows. This is when the tears fall. He won't keep his promise. This I know. Everyone around me wants to protect me. So now it is me who must protect them. "Lets mate." I say. Kyle pushes me away. "Spencer what are you saying!?" He look at him. Does he not want to anymore? "You heard me. I want to mate. We're going to war in a week. That scares me and I want to make sure we have time to do it properly. There may not be much of our pack left after the war." I explain. He sighs. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" He asks. I nod. I want to be fully one with Kyle. "Alright. Then we shall mate."

Okay so how was it?! Intense? Sad? Tell me all of your thoughts! Hey by the way check out my other stories. I also came out with a new one called Our Love. Please check it out! Thank for all the read and comments and votes you guys have given me!! That make such a difference in my life! I'm so happy I have people that like my work! Again thanks to everyone who's supported me! Until next time my lovelies!! Bye bye!

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