Negotiating (also last chapter)

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And here we are. The next chapter! How do you guys like the story so far? Any predictions on how this is all gonna go down?? Ps- sorry for the super long wait. Had major writers block on this one :/ 

Dammit! How could I have not of seen this coming! "You fucking liar! I'll murder you when I get out!" I shout. But no one is here to hear my angry shouts. Just me and this prison cell...

There's no way I can be pregnant after our first mating! I grab my stomach and see the tiny bump of a baby beginning to grow inside of me. But it is true... it's been 4 months since I've been locked in here and during that time I learned that what Adam said was true. I am pregnant.

"Excuse me miss?" Huh? I look over at the timid little voice. It's a girl, about the same age as me. She walks toward me. "Who are you?" I ask bitterly. She flinches. "My names Jenna. I'm the alphas mate. Who are you?" She asks. She's kidding me right? She is Adams mate? And she doesn't know who I am?! This is a joke right??

"Your kidding me right? You are Adams mate? Don't you know what's been happening? My pack attacked you some 4 months ago and I decided to be kept prisoner while my pack made an escape. I will warn you though, your alpha is the one who started this fight." I state bluntly.

She gasps, covering her mouth. "What? I was locked in my room that day! Adam told me I wasn't allowed to leave. Two days later he let me come out. I had no idea anything had happened. I kept hearing strange talk but when I asked Adam he would get angry at whoever I heard it from..."

Oooh... so she's precious? He doesn't want her to know of pain and war and death? I slump against the cell wall. "Well now you know. Your alpha, your mate, he killed my family. My mate is also the alpha of my pack so we went to war against your pack and well I guess Adam knew of our plans and got the jump on us before we could get it on him..."

My anger boiled up again. "Your mate is a horrible person." I stood up and walked over to her. She stared at my belly. I laughed dryly. "Yep. That's my baby... I'm pregnant." I explain. Her eyes widen. "Did Adam-?!" I could see the betrayal on her face and sighed. "No I mated with my mate before going to battle and one thing led to another and bam I'm pregnant."

She sighed quietly. "JENNA?! Where the hell is Jenna?!" I hear Adam shout angrily. The girl, who I now know the name of her, gasps. "Oh no! I'm not suppose to be down here!" She dashed upstairs and I could hear her frantic voice try to explain her absence.

"Adam, honey, I was only getting some air. Please calm down." She tried to lie. "I can smell her scent all over you! You were down there weren't you?! What did she say? Did she say anything to you?!" He growled. "Adam... she's pregnant. How can you keep her prisoner? What happened? What is it that you won't tell me? I don't care if I'm human! I won't ever leave you!"

I think back to our conversation. I hadn't paid much attention to it but I did notice the scent of human... damn... no wonder she's precious to Adam... she would be killed in an instant if other wolves were to find out. "Enough Jenna! Move!" He must of pushed her to the ground because I heard something crash above me and a sob of pain.

"Oh Jenna! Dammit!" Adam was immediately pissed off at himself. "Darling I'm sorry... I just... I don't want anyone to know who you are otherwise they will try to hurt you. Okay? Babe... come here..."

"you idiot! I love you! How could you decide how I will live my life?! I don't care what happens to me! As long as I had the chance to love and know you... I don't care what happens to me... I love you!"

Wow... some mate she is. Loving the villain... I would tear his throat out if he were my mate... he's abusive- bipolar!! I couldn't stand him! Silence ensues. Suddenly I hear a crash and a cry. What?! I grip the bars and try to peer out. What's going on?!

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