Family affairs

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Yo! (Picture is of Liam) I'm glad how successful my chapters are and I'm happy that my story is getting so many reads! Also can you please check out my other story called Dear Mr. Adams. It's pretty good and I would like to see how you all like it. Never the less here's the next update so please enjoy!

Liam showed me his aunts house and let me eat his cookies. However our play date didn't end there. We baked a cake for his birthday, which was in 2 days. I figured he was sad because his parents had died just days away from his birthday. It probably will remain a grim reminder for the rest of his life. After we baked a cake we watched some movies and then his aunt came home from her job. She worked at the local bakery in town. She thanked me for my services but urged me to leave. Why? Why do I have to leave? Liam obviously wants me to stay! "I'm sorry but I've already asked you twice to leave this house." She stated angrily, her hands going to her hips. I sighed. I guess I'm just not wanted by her... I let go of Liam's hand. "I'm sorry Liam but I have to go now." I explained. His lips curled and he grabbed my hand tightly. "No please! I don't like uncle!" My eye brow raised up in confusion. He doesn't like his uncle? Why is he so afraid of his uncle? I turned to his aunt for answers but she avoided my gaze. "Liam go to your room." She stated. He glared at her and then dashed off to his room. I sighed and stood back up. "Mind explaining what's going on?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. She didn't answer me. Okay so this is getting fishy. "Please, I want to help. Liam is-" suddenly the door swung open to reveal a gruff looking man. So this must be the uncle Liam is afraid of. "What the hell is a girl doing here?!" The man asked angrily. He slammed the front door shut and walked toward me. I didn't back down. "Robert?! S-she was just leaving." His aunt gave me a pleading look. No! Liam doesn't need this rude man in his life! The poor kid has been through enough! "No I wasn't. I came here to help Liam. It looks like your the biggest threat to him right now!" I growled. He glared at me and pushed me backwards, the force of his push sending me backwards. Liam rushed out of his room and jumped on me, hugging me. I could feel him shaking. "I'm alright Liam." I reassured him. His aunt rushed forward and grabbed the uncles arm. "Robert stop this!" She boldly ventured. Looks like Robert didn't like that because he took a swing at her, sending her flying into a lamp on a table, going unconscious because of it. I ground my teeth. This man! Standing up I pushed Liam behind me. "You bastard!" I growled out. He laughed. "You'll have a worse fate. I can't let anyone know this side of me." He growled. He's seriously insane! "And I won't let you hurt this family any longer!" I stated. Liam clung to my legs, hiding his face in my hip. With out another word Robert swung at me. I pushed Liam down on the ground to avoid him getting hurt, taking the hit myself I fell along with him. "Liam go get help!" I shouted. Another blow was directed at me, landing on my side where my ribs are. Liam scurried to his feet but his collar of his shirt was grabbed by Robert. "Let go of him!" I got up off the ground and kicked the man in the balls. He released the kid and he looked at me. "Go! Get help!" I shouted. Liam then scurried out the door. "Why you!" Another blow hit me on my face. "I really did try killing him but you had to interfere! You just can't stop putting your nose in other peoples business." My eyes widened. He sent that wolf to kill Liam and his family?! How cruel! "You killed his parents?!" I crawled over to the wall and got up. "Why?!" I shouted. Suddenly he pulled out a pocket knife and tackled me. He pointed the knife at my throat and was about to plunge it in when the aunt pushed him away, getting stabbed in the chest as she did so. "Damn women!" He cursed. I gasped. "Hang on Liam's getting help!" I tired moving toward her frail body as she gasped for air and clutched her stomach. Tears welled up in my eyes and suddenly my hair was yanked backwards and Robert got on top of me yet again. His hands wrapped around my throat, he intended to kill me. Using my hands I grabbed his and tried pulling them away but he was overpowering me. It was getting extremely hard to breath by now. Suddenly the weight of Robert was gone.  I gasped for air and looked around. Kyle was beating the crap out of Robert and Liam stood by his aunt, crying out her name. I looked at his aunt and noticed she had stopped breathing. She was dead. Looking toward the front door I saw a crowd of people watching this all unfold. Siting up I crawled over to Liam and took him in to my arms. "I'm so sorry Liam. I tried... I tried so hard to save her but in the end Robert took her life." I muttered, stroking the boys head. Once I heard Kyle stop beatin Robert up I knew he was finished and that Robert was most likely dead. Kyle stood up and walked toward me. He knelt down and took me into his arms in a very tight hug. As Kyle hugged me I hugged Liam and Liam hugged me back. Liam's sobbing was loud and I knew he was extremely hurt at the loss of so many people that he loved. His parents and now his aunt. "It'll be alright now. Robert is gone and he can't hurt you anymore. Okay? I'm here for you. I'll hold you every night till you tell me your alright again. Okay?" I whispered soothingly into his ear. Kyle was now standing and talking to the others outside about the situation. I looked up at him. "Kyle?" I called out. He turned back to me, a worried expression instantly stressing his face. "Robert sent that man from the eastern pack to kill Liam and his parents." I explain. Kyle nodded and turned back to the others. Hugging Liam tighter I laid my head down on top of his and closed my eyes, letting the tears spill. "I promise to protect you forever." I whispered. Liam's hands gripped on to me tighter. He pressed his ear against my heart and for that movement it was just us two. I promise I won't let you die. I won't let anyone hurt you! Liam, I will be your protector.

Tawee! Things are getting heated with Liam and his sad little life. Tell me what you thought! Hope it was enjoyable. Until next time my lovelies :) oh hey please don't for get to please check out my book Dear Mr. Adams. Please and thank you!

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