Chapter 3

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"Ow!!" Liam screeched

"Sorry LiLi. I know it hurts but I have to do it." I pouted and he nodded, allowing me to carry on.

I was currently putting some sort of special healing stuff on Liam's face. I'm not a doctor okay, I don't know what this shit is called!

"All done!" I smiled.

"Thanks, Liv." He grinned and looked into my eyes so I intensely. I tried looking away but somehow I couldn't get my eyes to do so.

He quickly looked away when he realized what he was doing.

"You're welcome, LiLi." I smirked.

"Stop calling me that!!" He whined

"Awwww come on LiLi!" I pouted whilst laughing historically

"Call me that again and I swear!" He said while glaring at me.

"Swear what, LiLi?" I smirked still giggling.

And before I knew it he was on top of me tickling me!

"Liam, stop!" I laughed trying to take breaths in between.

"STOOP!!" I tried telling him but I just couldn't stop laughing and he didn't stop tickling me!

I grabbed my pillow because I was on my bed and starting hitting him with it and he fell right on top of me - on my boob to be specific.

"Oi!" I closed my eyes in pain and was breathing heavily.

"I told you to stop calling me LiLi." He smirked.

"Liam, you're ... Uhm ... You're on top of my ... Boob." I said awkwardly.

"Oh my god, Liv I'm so sorry!" He quickly removed himself and lay on his side.

"It's okay but it hurt like hell!" I said whilst giggling.

"I can massage it for you." He said while smirking.

I blushed heavily, "No thank you!" I said trying to keep cool.

"What should we do now?" I asked

"I don't know?"

"Oooo we could watch a movie!" I said excitedly clapping my hands.

Liam nodded in agreement, "Which one?"

"Errrrm, Paranormal Activity!" I hate scary movies but I've never watched it so might as well, apparently it's amazing!

"Liv, you know you hate scary movies!" He said.

I chuckled because I'm kinda happy he remembered, "Stilll!! Pweeeez LiLi ... I meaaaan Liam." I pouted then smirked.

"Fine!" He sighed in defeat.

"Thank youuuu! I jumped on top of him and hugged him. Talk about jumpy, right!?

"Okay," I sat up on him, "you set it up and I'll make popcorn and get blankets!" I grinned getting off of him.

Liam's P.O.V

She jumped on top of me and hugged me, "Okay, you set it up and I'll make popcorn and get blankets!" She was so excited about a movie she should be hating! But that's Liv for you she's crazy ey! But I love her - as a friend of course!

I headed downstairs to the theatre room which consisted of some movie like chairs and a couch I front. I walked past it to the DVD cabinet she told me was there. I looked for Paranormal Activity - still sealed - and unwrapped it and put it in the DVD player.

Soon Liv came in with popcorn and a load of blankets and pillows.

"Let me help you!" I yelled before she nearly fell over! I took some blankets and pillows from her.

"Thanks Li." She smiled looking me into the eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful.

"You're welcome."

She put the popcorn down and started helping me set out the pillows and blankets in front of the couch.


"Holy shit!!" Liv screamed and put her head in the crook of my neck.

Without thinking I put my arm around her. I missed her so much. She's so cute when she gets scared, I just love her scream, and her hair, her smile, her laugh ... I love her. I really do, but I can't tell her she doesn't see me that way ...

"Oh my god something bad is gonna happen, I just know it!" She said so scared like.

"It's okay, Liv," I chuckled, "nothing bad is gonna happen!" I chuckled again.

"Listen here you chucklefuck, I know something's gonna happen listen to the death music!" She whispered and tried to keep a serious face but started giggling.

I burst out laughing "Chucklefuck!?"

"Because you kept chuckling and well fuck - so that led to chucklefuck!" She started laughing too.

"You're crazy!" And I laughed again even harder!

She hit me on my chest lightly and I held her hand there.

"What was that for!" I pretended to be hurt.

She looked at me and burst out laughing.

I looked at her, examining her face, she's just so beautiful, her laugh she's so ... Beautiful.

She started slowing down and looked at me with a perplexed expression on her face.

Right there and then I did what I thought I would never do in my life.

I kissed her, but the best part is ... She never hesitated to kiss back.

"I love you, Liv." I whispered.

And the words that made my heart flutter.

"I love you, Li."



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- thando_n <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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