You're Alone

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The only one you have?
You act like you're alone...
even though I'm there holding your hand.
Am I nothing?
A ghost?
Do you hate me or love me?
Do you trust me with your thoughts?
You're a mystery to me...
Your mind is like a locked box,
and I desperately would like to know what's inside it...
but every time I ask for a spare key you refuse to grant me one.
You say you're alone...
but I'm standing right here!
I'm willing to listen to your 3AM thoughts
and tell you encouraging words.
I'm willing to let you cry on my shoulder,
and try to fix all that is wrong...
but you won't let me!
You forget about me...
treat me like a ghost...
ignore my help...
I'm not real to you.
I'm not someone you rely on.
If you want to say you're alone...
then I'll let you be.
I'll stop trying to hold your hand...
I won't listen to those 3AM thoughts....
And I'll be long gone when you want to cry on my shoulder....
You'll be alone.

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