Poor Lou:'(

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Maddie's POV

When I wake up I smell something burning. I jump up. Where am I?

Then I remember meeting Niall. I go into where the smell is coming from and see Niall trying to make pancakes.

"Want me to help?" I ask.

"Good morning Maddie. And no thanks, I think I got it." Niall answers.

"You sure? You can smell the burning all the way in the living room." I say.

"Yeah. I'm sure." he says. He looks at the pancakes for a few seconds then looks at me and says,"Actually, yeah, you should probably do this."

I start laughing. "Let me show you how it's done!"

I start making new batter and in twenty minutes have a plateful of fluffy pancakes.

Niall grabs one from the top and eats it. "Yeah. I think it's a good thing you made them." he says.

We both laugh and dig in. I've heard that Niall eats a lot and I think 'a lot' is an understatement. I end up making another batch.

"You make better pancakes than Harry." Niall says. But as soon as the words are out of his mouth he acts like someone's going to kill him and says, "Don't tell Harry I said that."

"I don't know. Making better pancakes than Harry seems like a pretty good goal. I think I'm going to tell everyone what you think." I say mischievously.

"No! Please!" Niall begs.

"I won't, unless you get me mad." I say.

"I will try to keep you in a good manor O'Royal One!" Niall says as I laugh.

After we eat I say goodbye and start to leave. Before I close the door Niall shouts "Wait! We didn't exchange numbers!"

I feel stupid for forgetting that."Good thinking." I say. Then we give each other our numbers.

On my way home I see a familiar looking boy with a striped shirt sitting on a bench with his head in his hands.

"Louis?" I say walking up to him. I sit next to him and say, "Louis, what's wrong?"

He looks up, his face is tear streaked, and his eyes are red and puffy.

"It's Maddie right?" he asks.

"Yeah." I answer.

"My girlfriend broke up with me for a guy she's been cheating on me with." he says.

"Any girl who breaks up with you must be out of their mind. You are hilarious and, by what I can tell, very trust worthy." I tell Louis.

"Thanks Maddie. I wish she would of thought that. We have been together for three and a half years." Louis says.

"Are you going to be OK?" I ask.

"Yeah." he says. Then he starts grinning like a little kid and asks, "Did you spend the night at Niall's last night?"

I blush like mad and answer, "Yes."

"Did you guys do anything?" he teasingly asks.

"NO!" I say.

"Whatever you say." he says. "Are you doing anything today?"

"Nope." I answer.

"You are hanging out with the lads and I today then." he says.

"I have to get dressed though." I say.

"Fine. We will go to your house so you can get ready and we are meeting everybody at Niall's at about noon." he says.

"OK than. We better hurry it's already eleven thirty." I say and we start running to my house.

Niall's POV

As soon as Maddie left I started thinking about her. She is awesome. I feel like I found another friend.

Pretty soon Zayn shows up.

"I know I'm early but oh well." he says.

"It's not like we set a specific time for everyone to show up at that time or anything." I sarcastically say laughing. "We set it for everyone to show up before and after that time."

"You Irishman have your ways, and we Englishmen have ours." Zayn says with a smirk.

Then Liam and Harry walk in.

"Vas happening boys?" Zayn says to them.

"Not much." Liam says.

"Speak for yourself." Harry says. "I went on a date after I left here last night and the girl got all clingy. She hasn't stopped calling and texting me since I left her last night. So at six A.M. this morning I told her I didn't like her. She bursted out crying. Her dad called me and started talking about how I broke his daughter's heart. So this morning I had to get a new phone number. I texted it to you all this morning."

"Wow." I say.

"You know, when I ask how you are doing or what's going on, I don't really want to know." Zayn says and all four of us start laughing.

"Where's Louis? It's already twelve fifteen." Liam asks.

We all shrug. Then Louis opens the door and walks in with... Maddie? What's she doing with Louis?

"There you are Lou." I say then ask, "Maddie, what are you doing here?"

They explain how Louis was sad because his girlfriend broke up with him, so Maddie started talking to him, so Louis invited Maddie to come with us, so Maddie had to get ready, so then they had to rush all the way back here. And that's why Maddie is with Louis and why he's late.

This is going to be even more of a fun day.

A.N. If any body likes this book and wants a character in it then tell me your name, who you want to be, what you look like, and your personality. You can be Harry, Liam, Louis, or Zayns' girlfriend. Or if you want to be like a sibling of someone then that's fine too. Thank you.


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