The Game of Love Chapter 12

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I am Damien’s girlfriend; I’m completely overjoyed. Still, while one part of me says that this isn’t a good idea, the other tells me to go for it—to give him a chance. At the same time, I’m curious as I ask, “Why me? I mean, I’m eighteen. You’re like…twenty-two.”

He merely shrugged. “I don’t care,” he said with a slight smirk on his face. “Besides, you seem like my type: interesting, sweet, and funny.” I twisted my lips, trying to constrain a smile.

Noticing everyone starting to file into the hallway, Damien gives me a quick kiss on the forehead as he tells me that he’s off to have a chat with Leon for a bit. As I’m heading to my next class, I notice Leon give off a concerned look—yet at the same time it omitted a deadly aura—just as he’s having a conversation with Damien. So he knows. Shrugging, I walk to Ms. Wilson’s class.

Once I’ve gotten myself situated, Leon takes the seat next to mine, an incomprehensible expression on his face. It was filled with sadness and pain as I took more glances at him. Noticing me continuously looking at him, he muttered, “What?”

I shook my head. “I’m just wondering…but are you all right?”



I somewhat smirked slightly since it’s not like she shows much concern for me anyway. However, I could tell that she knew just exactly what’s going on in my head. I fold my arms across my chest, avoiding eye contact with her. Honestly, I don’t get it; while I understand that I’ve been the typical douche bag towards her, she’s known me more than my older brother Damien yet she’d rather go with someone who she’s only exchanged a total of ten minutes with him simply talking.

I’m hurt entirely and she’s not able to see that at all. She just doesn’t get why I’m like this—the real reason. From the corner of my eye, I noticed her biting her lip, cocking her head to the side, her expression showing such worry as she whispered, “It has to do with Damien and me going out, isn’t it?”

I twitched at the sound of them going out. God, she doesn’t know what’s coming. Instead of the typical bullying, I’m deciding on ignoring her until she realizes her mistake in dating my brother. Once she understands why I tried to put as much distance as I could between them. After all, I always know Damien’s intentions. Eventually, when that happens, I’ll be there—and that’ll be before Seth can do anything about it.

Sarah rested her chin on her hand, still looking over at me from time to time. I wish she’d stop because if she doesn’t, I might not be able to control myself. I’m glad—nearly overjoyed—that she’s worried about me; at the same time, I don’t want to pull any moves on her since she’s his. Why not just steal her away? Well, knowing my brother, I can only imagine what he’ll do to me once he’s realized what I’m trying to do. I’ve tried reasoning with my brother not to do such things, but he just won’t listen. It seems Sarah will just have to learn her lesson the hard way.

Throughout the rest of the day, she kept asking if I was all right. Great…so when an incident like today occurs, she suddenly shows such concern towards me. She even made a few stops at my locker—doesn’t she hate me? I guess the front I’m putting is too obvious that I’m completely depressed and enraged.

“Leon,” she began, standing right by my locker. Why her friends weren’t with her at the moment, I don’t know. In the end, I ignored her completely. That’s when she punches me, bringing my attention to her. “I’m trying to be nice and worried for once. Seriously, it was like someone died or something.” Yeah…I thought, I did…deep down… “Talk to me, please?” Oh, now she’s using “please” on me, great.

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