The Game of Love Chapter 40

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I's a pretty short chapter compared to my previous and latest ones, but I couldn't think of anything else and I thought I'd at least post something for ya'll at least, and I know that there will be some nonsensical drama but I don't like how the mood's been all "happy-happy" I mean, it still is, but it was starting to get all bland and yeah... And please bear with the crappiness of this chapter





Monday after spring break, most of the girls couldn’t contain their excitement towards the fact that prom was approaching. It would be next Friday, to be exact. By this time, everyone was already asking each other to be their date while us “taken” people already had dates with our significant other. However, there’d still be the ignorant ones who still would try to ask me, Leanne, or Sophia. Hell, Laurie didn’t give a fuck that Leon was taken so she just waltzed in between Leon and me, invading our space. She freaking asked him to go to the dance with her after shooting me a dirty look. Can you believe her? Un-freaking-believable!

Laurie stood between Leon’s and my desk with her (padded) ass in my face. I turned my head in the opposite direction, fake vomiting as I inched myself away from her. “So…Leon,” she began in a seductive tone, leaning closer to him, “I was wondering if you’d like to go to prom with me.” Just as much as she could tell I’m glaring at her, I could tell that she’s smirking in contempt.

I watched her lean closer, pressing her boobs together with her arms as she neared herself to him, closing the distance. Both Leon and I were utterly uncomfortable with this situation. Laurie lowered her shoulder for the sleeve of her loose blouse to droop over her bare shoulder. Does she not know when to freaking stop?!

Leon gave a cough, averting her gaze, and he gave me a long stare. We both had that same, subconscious, disgusted expression. When Laurie brought her lips an inch apart from his, I nearly jumped from my chair to slap the bitch when Leon pushed her away roughly. She pouted, letting out a disgruntled wail. She strode over to him again when Leon hissed, “There’s no way in hell I’d go with the likes of you.” Laurie pouted, shooting another glare at me before letting out a goaded “Humph” and turned on her heel melodramatically, walking away like the brat she is.

“I can’t believe her!” I huffed, exasperated as I leaned back on my chair.

“Well what do you expect?” he asked, shrugging. “She just doesn’t know when to back off.” I didn’t say anything, my silence impenetrable. Leon took my hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. I smiled back, continuing to remain silent—even throughout class.

By the time it was lunch, Laurie still gave me that same dirty look as she passed by my table with Leon beside me, his head rested on my shoulder. When our eyes met, I shot a triumphant smirk that said, “He’s mine, bitch.” She let out an agitated huff as she snapped her head to the other side, trying to turn her attention elsewhere.

My gaze shifted to the top of Leon’s dark brown hair as his head still rested on my shoulder; he was asleep. Sophia and Leanne, along with Jake and Jack, joined us at the table. Jake had that amused look in his eye as he noted, “He’s knocked out.” I gave a small chuckle at his remark.

“Leon didn’t get much sleep last night,” I explained.

“Why not?” asked Jack.

I shrugged. “I guess it’s just how he is the day after the spring break; I can’t blame him.” They shrugged and nodded before gnawing on their club sandwiches.

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