The Game of Love Chapter 38

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  • Dedicated to Patricia Franceska



The beginning of April went by in silence between Leon and me. He’d try to get me to talk to him, but I didn’t say anything—I was still pissed off. Sure the hurt in his expression put a shit load of guilt in me, but I wasn’t going to make guilt make me easily forgive him and sound like a lovesick puppy. Hell to the no.

The entire first week of April was dull, unexciting, boring, etc. Thankfully, spring break’s right around the corner. And since it’s a Friday, I couldn’t help it if I all but stared at the clock ticking away on the wall. Of course, this made time go by slower. It was agonizing. However, the glances Leon kept stealing at me would occasionally catch my attention. When our eyes would meet, I’d give him a blank stare—a straight face—before shifting my gaze back to the clock.

These past two weeks had made me wonder how much longer I was going to remain this way. Sometimes I wonder if we’re still together; I dismissed that thought immediately since I don’t recall us breaking up. Neither of us have the intention of doing so. But what I’m really waiting for is for him to chase after me and apologize. Sure, I hurt him with my rejection; I’m feeling guilty. However, he’s the one being pushy.

Once the bell rang, I hurried out the classroom, hastily stuffing my books in my backpack so I could get the hell out of here. Just as I expected, Leon halted me with his deadly grip on my wrist. “Sarah.”

It was a simple word, a simple name—my name. Yet his tone was enough to send chills down my spine. It was aggressive, intimidating, and demanding—even pleading if you really listen. When I don’t respond, he calls my name again, his grip on my wrist tightening. Whipping around to face, the first thing I noticed were the dark circles underneath is bloodshot eyes. He was so pale and cold. God, I can’t believe I caused him to be in this state.

“Sarah,” he said again, but softer this time, “we need to talk.”

I gulped. He couldn’t be implying that we should break up, right? Stupid, stupid, stupid! Of course not! Leon loves me—he always has—surely this wasn’t the reason for those four fatal words…right? I’m absolutely positive that he’s just here to settle our argument—hopefully to apologize.

Honestly, I hardly took Leanne’s advice of fixing out little problem. The thing is that I wasn’t ready to settle our dispute just yet. Excuse me for being sadistic, but I needed to punish him. Now, looking at him now, it seems that I’ve gone a bit too far.

Looking right at Leon, I said in response calmly, “What’s this about?”

He tugged at my arm, his eyes dropping to the floor; he mumbled, “We just need to talk. You should know what this is about.” Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I let him lead me to the back of the school. Well what a cliché: Telling me that we need to talk so we head to the back of the school building for a “private” chat.

Once we got there, no student or teacher in sight, I was pinned to the red brick wall; Leon’s lips crashed into mine roughly. My lips didn’t respond to his, however. I wasn’t going to give in to him so easily. And when he pulls away, I demand curtly, “Out with it, Ferron.”

In response, he wrapped his arms around me tightly; lips pressed to the nape of my neck as he whispered, “I’m sorry.”

Satisfaction hit me right in the gut, tugging the corner of my lips to curve into a smile—a smirk, more or less. “Come again?” I asked smugly.

He pulled away from me, nearly shooting a glare at me as he said remorsefully, “I’m sorry. And don’t act all high and mighty; it doesn’t suit you. God, you’re killing me here, Sarah. Do you have any idea how much it sucks to be ignored by you—my own girlfriend?”

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