So, I told you guys about the Donut fic and how I was going to continue it, but have more books and not just three.
So I decided that I will let you guys pick out the ships. It can be from tv shows, to movies, to bands, to whatever.
It can be gay, straight, three way, and more.
If I don't know that ship, you can either tell me something's about them, or I can search it up and do a little research.
The Donut fic is meant to be crappy and fun. I feel bad for Billie Joe the Donut.
If you guys read the Donut fic, you will understand why.
So, pick your ships.
If you want to comment here, go ahead, if not, message me.
I will have a display, where you guys can comment. You can comment as much as you want. I do not care.
If you want, you can tell me what you want them to do. I still don't know why I made this fanfic, but all well. Probably high or something...
Feel free to tell me anything.
Comment here for those motherfuckin' ships, baby: