To Tell If You're a Real My Chemical Romance Fan

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1.Real MCR fans know more songs than "Welcome to the Black Parade."

2. Real MCR fans know Gerard Way's brother's name.

3. Real MCR fans shout 'YES!' when one of their songs comes on.

4. Real MCR fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard's hair.

5. Real MCR fans punch their cousins/brothers/parents/friends for dissing Gerard in general.

6. Real MCR fans know the names of everyone in the band and what they do.

7. Real MCR fans shop for hours just to find a jacket like the band's have for a MCR concert (That sounds like me at Hot Topic).

8. Real MCR fans take time to right on the front of all their underwear "I love Gerard."

9. Real MCR fans ask their mom "What's for dinner?" and are disappointed when she doesn't say Gerard.

10. Real MCR fans start smoking because they think they will be how likes Frank and Gerard. [Not really]

11. Real MCR fans ask for Bob the Bryar for Christmas and cry when they don't get him (But I don't want him for Christmas).

12. Real MCR fans do dirty things with their MCR action figures and are proud to admit it.

13. Real MCR fans sleep with a picture of MCR and actually have to wipe off the drool stains.

14. Real MCR fans ***** themselves when they see them on the television.

15. Real MCR fans would admit to let them fuck you.

16. Real MCR fans go in a rendition of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge when they hear a guy in a restaurant say "So Long"

17. Real MCR fans have this on their profile.

18. Real MCR fans giggle every time Gerard Way says the word 'way' in his songs

19. Real MCR fans will scream "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, **insert band member name here**!!" on his birthday, regardless of how quiet the room is.

20. Real MCR fans watch "Life on the Murder Scene" twice a day then apologize to plants.

21. Real MCR fans often zone out, listening to MCR in their heads, and when someone asks them a question they scream the lyrics they were just thinking of.

22. Real MCR fans write 'my' and 'romance' around the word 'chemical' when in science class.

23. Real MCR fans when hearing any word even slightly associated with MCR on the television, instantly freak out and turn up the volume.

24. Real MCR fans eat skittles and drink coke zero three times daily.

25. Real MCR fans have every MCR picture possible saved on their computer, and admit it proudly.

26. Real MCR fans have actually read and re-read and re-re-read etc. any MCR WebPages they could find.

27. Real MCR fans can listen to a MCR song repeatedly and not get tired of said song. (No matter how many times you listen!)

28.Real MCR fans hear New Jersey and instantly think MCR MCR MCR MCR MCR!!!!!!

29. Real MCR fans try their hardest to mention MCR in any project at school.

30. Real MCR fans spaz out when they see the word 'way' in books, on trucks, anywhere.

The Light Behind Your Eyes makes me cry every time I listen to it.

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