Hinata's Birthday

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"Hey Kageyama!" Hinata yelled, jumping up in front of the setter.

"Hi." Kageyama gave a small smile to his boyfriend.

"Practice just ended." Hinata grinned.


"So do you want to say anything to me?" Hinata questioned, stepping closer to Kageyama.

"N-no, not really." Kageyama blushed lightly and looked away. Kageyama thought that Hinata looked sad, but it disappeared quickly.

"I'm hungry!" Hinata cried out.

"Okay." Kageyama said, beginning to walk down the path to his house.

"Can we go to the shopping district?" The orange haired spiker asked, following Kageyama closely.


"Pleeeaaasseeee?" Hinata begged.

"Fine. We can go."

"Will you buy me something?"



"Fine. Just make it cheap."

The duo changed routes, walking toward the shopping district. Few words were exchanged between them along the way, and Hinata seemed to be struggling with his backpack, Kageyama noticed.

"Yay! There it is!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Yeah, so what do you want?" Kageyama asked annoyedly. (Is that even a word?)

"Ummmm." Hinata tapped his chin, thinking and looking around at the brightly lit shops, glowing in the darkening sky.


"There." Hinata pointed at something but Kageyama didn't care enough to look. He pulled out his wallet, and handed his boyfriend a decent amount of money.

"Be quick, okay?"

"I will." Hinata dashed off and Kageyama pulled out his phone.


"I can't believe it..." Hinata mumbled once he was out of earshot. "Did he really forget my birthday?" The spiker moved into the cake store, gazing at all the colorful and towering cakes. He slowly walked around, admiring everything.

"Hello there." The woman behind the counter smiled at him.

"Hi!" Hinata replied, his eyes lit up in excitement.

"Looking for anything special?" She asked.

"Uh, not really." He looked at the display of single sliced behind the glass.

"See anything you like?"

"Absolutely." Hinata looked at the slices. "But do I want Strawberry shortcake, or chocolate drizzle?" He tapped his chin. "Why not get them both!"

"Of course." The woman said, pulling on gloves. She bagged up his choice, and handed him the bag as Hinata paid.

"Thank you Miss!"

"You're very welcome." She waved to Hinata as he left to find his boyfriend, the bag with the cake in his hand.


Kageyama looked up from his phone when he heard Hinata call his name. He smiled at him, glancing down at the bag he was carrying.

"Hey, Kageyama!"

"Finally. What did you get?"

"You'll see." Hinata smirked. "We need to go to the park now."

"Uh, okay." Kageyama followed Hinata away from the busy streets, and back toward the sidewalk that led to the park. Hinata was humming, and Kageyama listened to him happily. The pair swiftly reached the park, and Hinata led Kageyama to a bench out in the open. They sat down, and stared at the blazing stars above them.

"Here ya go." Kageyama looked over to see Hinata offering him a piece of chocolate cake. Kageyama grinned, and accepted the treat.


"Yup." Hinata chirped, pulling the strawberry piece from the bag. He handed Kageyama a fork, and pulled the cover off of the small platter, and dug in.

This is so weird. Kageyama thought. First the backpack, then he wants to go shopping, and he buys cake of all things? Kageyama glanced at Hinata's bag, and saw wrapping paper sticking out from the end. He had a flashback to earlier that day.

"Here Hinata."

"Wow! Thanks Noya-senpai!"

"I hope you like it!" Noya sounded happy. "Also, call me senpai again!"

"Noya-senpai!" Hinata yelled, stuffing whatever Noya had given him in his bag.

"Oh god.." Kageyama almost choked on his piece of cake, before standing up way too quickly.


"Hinata!" Kageyama blushed with embarrassment. "H-happy Birthday!"  He yelled.



"You know, Kageyama," Hinata looked up, a spark in his eyes. "It isn't nice to forget your Boyfriend's birthday."

"I'm sorry! And to make up for it, I'll..."

"You'll get me something? Like what?" Hinata bounced up, standing in front of Kageyama.

"Like...a toss?"

"A toss?" Hinata giggled. "You think I need a toss from you to make me happy?"

"Well I-"

"The truth is, I don't need anything." Hinata grabbed his cake, shoveling the rest in his mouth. Kageyama did the same. "Besides, a birthday is a day where you get to eat cake with someone you love, and I got to do that." Both boys blushed as he said this.


"Plus, I get plenty of tosses from you." Hinata grabbed his bag. "Let's go." He headed past the setter, but Kageyama grabbed his hand.

"Not yet."

He pulled Hinata closer, and turned his head to the side, and pressed his lips to Hinata's. Hinata stumbled, his bag getting in the way, and he turned so he was facing Kageyama, breaking the kiss in the process. He set his bag on the ground lightly, and smiled at Kageyama.

"Now I don't get many of those, now do I?"


"Kageyama." Hinata cut him off, stepping closer, so their lips were only a few inches apart.


"One more."


I got this idea off of a YouTube video, i can't find it anymore, so I can't take the credit. But it was sooooo cute thooooo

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