Sprained Ankle

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"Toss it here!" Hinata yelled, jumping into the air, knowing that Kageyama would set the ball in his direction. Hinata's guess was true, and he spiked the ball down to the other side of the net.

"That was good, but remember to follow through." Kageyama criticized.

"You're always like this!" Hinata whined.

"Like what?" He stiffened.

"You're so critical!"

"I am not!" Kageyama began moving toward the spiker.

"It wouldn't hurt you to give me a compliment once in a while!" The orange haired boy said as he began to back up. Kageyama reached out an arm, grabbing Hinata's shirt, and pulled him close.

"Nice. Kill." He said menacingly.

"Y-you could at least say it nicely." Hinata stuttered weakly. Kageyama dropped him, and grabbed another volleyball.

"Back to it!" Sugawara called, Daichi behind him, staring daggers at the pair.

"Right!" Hinata and Kageyama both internally screamed in fear of being yelled at.

"Ready?" Kageyama asked, not really paying attention to where Hinata was actually ready or not.

"Yeah." Hinata said, running and leaping up. Kageyama set the ball, but it was long. Hinata extended his hand, and tried to hit it anyway, but he only succeeded in unbalancing himself. The ball sailed to the floor, Hinata shortly after it. Hinata collapsed to the ground, a sharp pain in his leg.

I landed wrong. He realized. I'm fine. I'm fine.

"Hinata!" Kageyama yelled, catching everyone's attention.

"Are you okay?" Nishinoya called.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Hinata lifted himself up, and tried to take a step, but the a bolt of pain shot up his leg, and he fell, straight into Kageyama's waiting arms.

"Hinata!" The setter supported him, but Hinata was only staring at the ground, shaking.

"I-I'm fine!" Hinata blubbered, and Kageyama bent down and saw Hinata's face. Tears streamed from his eyes.

Don't cry Hinata, I hate it when those big beautiful eyes of yours overflow...

"Hinata, can you stand?" Suga bent over to get down the Hinata's level. Hinata shook his head yes, but Kageyama wouldn't hear it.

"He can't, he's hurt."

"I see." Suga examined Hinata slowly, his eyes raking over his body, stopping on his ankle, which was an ugly red color, and was swollen to twice it's size. M

"What is it?" Kageyama asked worriedly.

"Ankle." Suga replied. "Either sprained or broken. I hope it's the not the second option." Suga straightened.

"So, what does this mean?" Noya asked.

"It means he's done with practice, for tonight at least." Daichi said.

"N-no!" Hinata cried out. "I'm fine!"

"You're not." Kageyama argued.

"He's right." Suga said. "Kageyama,can you carry him home? I know that sounds like a big task, but he can't walk, especially not by himself."

"I'm fine!" Hinata insisted, clutching his leg. Kageyama ignored him, scooping him into his arms, and holding him close to his chest.

"Hinata, you don't have to come to practice until your all better, kay?" Suga smiled at him, but Hinata just buried his tear stricken face in Kageyama's shirt.

"Let's go." Kageyama moved from the gym, farewells called out the door by their teammates. Kageyama carried Hinata to the changing room, where he slowly set him down, and tried to take of Hinata's shirt, but Hinata refused, pushing Kageyama away.

"I have to, Hinata."

"I'm fine, and I can change my own clothes!" Hinata said, wiping his eyes.

"I won't let you. I don't care if you can, as your boyfriend, it's my duty." Kageyama saluted, and Hinata smiled, blushing.

"Alright." Kageyama bent down, and untied the spiker's shoes, pulling them off, along with his socks, then his knee pads. Hinata raised his arms so Kageyama could get his shirt off easier. Once it was gone, Kageyama tried his best not to stare at Hinata. He could feel his face heating up. He stole a glance at Hinata, noticing his face was also very red.'

"Now for these." Kageyama tugged at Hinata's shorts. Hinata squirmed, and visibly bit his lip, but didn't resist as Kageyama pulled the fabric from Hinata's body, revealing Hinata's bright blue underwear. Kageyama couldn't help but stare. They were only a few inches long, and so tight.

"Nice...." Kageyama muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" Hinata asked, a scowl on his face as he tried to cover himself up.

"N-nothing." Kageyama stuttered, grabbing Hinata's school pants, and carefully slipping them in Hinata's body, keeping mind where his hands were in proportion to Hinata's ankle. When the waist reached Hinata's hips, Kageyama let his hands linger for longer than he should've. Hinata was still blushing long after he had gotten his shirt back on.

"Let's go then." Hinata muttered as Kageyama picked him up bridal style, pulling him close to his chest. Kageyama carried Hinata from the changing room to the sidewalk. They made little conversation, until it grew silent. For about five minutes, neither of them spoke. Then Hinata heard Kageyama making some strange noises.

"Kageyama?" Hinata looked up at the setter. "Are you crying?"

"No!" Kageyama denied, even though his eyes pooled with tears.

"Kageyama..." Hinata whispered, wiping his cheeks with his finger.

"It's just.." Kageyama started. "If you are hurt so badly, and you can't play volleyball anymore, it would be because of me. I tossed the ball badly, which made you lose your balance." His tears threatened to spill again.

"Kageyama, it's not your fault!" Hinata argued.

"Yes it is!"

"It was just a bad toss! You can get every single one perfectly!"

"So? You still got hurt!"

"And you can't change that." Hinata placed his hands on Kageyama's face, pulling himself up as high as he could. "Besides." He whispered, pressing his lips to Kageyama's. Hinata pulled back after a while.

"I don't blame you." He said, a smile on his face. Kageyama returned the smile, the tears in his eyes already sliding down his cheeks.

"We've only been dating for three weeks, and we don't do that enough." Kageyama said, as Hinata wiped his eyes again.

"Agreed." Kageyama began to walk again, turning down a different path than normal.

"Where are you going?" Hinata asked suspiciously.

"We're not going to your house anymore."

"W-what? Why not?"

"Because." Kageyama said, lifting Hinata higher, so his mouth was right next to his ear. He softly bit down, making Hinata moan slightly, and turn a nasty shade of red.

"You're staying with me tonight."

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