The Morning After

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(Slight smut warning.)

"Good morning Kageyama." Hinata muttered sleepily, wrapping his arms around the bigger boy, tracing a line down his chest. Kageyama yawned, sitting up, pulling Hinata closer, their bare skin touching.

"Good morning baby." Kageyama pressed a kiss to Hinata's lips. Hinata giggled like a child.

"I love it when you do that."

"And I love you." Hinata blushed and looked away.

"Love you too." Hinata's hand strayed from Kageyama's shoulder, and returned to his own body.

"How do you feel?"

"What do you mean?" Hinata cocked his head to the side.

"After last night..." Kageyama blushed. "It doesn't hurt anymore... Does it?"

"Uhh.." Hinata blushed madly, remembering the chain of events that led to them coming together. Kageyama pushing him down, straddling him, kissing him fiercely yet passionately, the biting and scratches, the moans. Hinata's face resembled a tomato.


"Yeah..." the smaller boy fiddled with his hands. "It still kinda does."

"I'm sorry." Kageyama pulled Hinata into a hug. "I should've been more careful, gone slower."

"Kageyama, you don't have to apologize." Hinata smiled at him. "I-I liked it."

"Really?" Kageyama blushed.

"Yeah." Hinata pulled himself closer, their faces only a few inches apart. "I like how big you are." Hinata's hand lowered from his boyfriend's chest down to his abdomen, just above his pelvis.


"I want you to take me, Kageyama. I want you."

"Hinata." Kageyama lightly pushed him away. "We can't."

"Why not?"

"While I do want to, very badly,"

"Clearly." Hinata smirked, his gaze dropping down, taking in Kageyama's state.

"Shut up." He growled, but made no attempt to cover himself up. "We have practice later, and we need to start getting ready."

"Fine!" Hinata pouted.

"I'll go get some clothes." Kageyama began to move.

"Wait!" Hinata gasped.


"Your hair! It looked so silly right now!" Hinata pointed at the setter's hair, which was sticking up in several spots.

"You're one to talk."

"Let's take a picture!" Hinata grabbed his phone. "I want to show everyone!" He raised it up to take a selfie of them together.

"Idiot!" Kageyama swiped the phone from Hinata.

"Kageyama!" Hinata whined.

"Everyone would see, dumbass!" He gestured to their bodies, displaying the fact that neither of them had clothes on.

"Right." Hinata looked away, the blanket clutched in his hands.

"I'm getting in first." Kageyama announced, leaving the bed, and walking to the dresser, grabbing some clothes, and leaving the room. Hinata watched him, and soon heard the shower running. Hinata sighed, and stretched. He looked to the side, noticing the bright red marks littering his shoulder, from his neck to almost his elbow.

"Wow Kageyama." Hinata muttered, running his fingers over the marks lightly. "This is gonna be hard to hide."


Um, hi, again. So if this isn't enough, I have a much smuttier one in store for later, but I'm going to need ideas, so if you have any, feel free to comment. I'll try to update every day or so, or at least every other day. Thanks for reading!

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