Bella: My little kitten

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Rose clings to my arm, the world scares her, every person. She's weak, a victim. I love her, like a sister. I always find it a bit ironic that she's asexual, because she's so beautiful, people constantly fall in love with her, crave her. Yet she couldn't care less about sex. Her roots are so dark, like night, yet the rest is golden. I notice Bob out of the corner of my eye, i hate him, i hate him cause he scares her. He's thick, dark, scary, his teeth look rotten, his eyes squinty, and when he moves he looks like he's getting ready to punch some one. He's obsessed, turned crazy by her beauty. She walks like she owns the world, but also a bit awkward. She has bad ankles, because she dances so much. "Wanna go grad coffee? Theres a cafe a mile from here, we still have enough time to get their." Rose says. I knob and she drags me to her car. "Oh, your not driving missy" i say. "ok, the your car" she says. I get in the driver seat, and start the car. I pull out of the school parking lot, and we start heading to the cafe. "Its steam isn't" i say. she laughs and knobs. "You love that stupid cafe" i say. "And you don't" she replies. "I live next to it, i have to smell that stupid hipster place constantly" I reply. She smiles and turns to stare out the window. She loves watching the people walk by, I'll never understand why. I'm amazed that, with her background, she doesn't hate them. Yet she writes stories and paint photos of them, she often says she trying to capture their beauty, their difference. But what she doesn't get is that everyones the same, with the same boring lives, very few are like her, a dark cold past and a bright warm soul. One time i got drunk at a party and could swear i saw peoples aura's. When i looked at her i swear i saw a pastel yellow light full of dark shadows swirling around her, chaining her to the ground. I'm her best friends so i feel like i should know everything about her, and in some ways i do, i can predict her every word before she says it, yet when asked to describe her i don't know what to say. We arrive at Steam and she jumps out of the car. I follow a bit behind. "OOOh, nice outfit" She say. I'm wearing my usual maroon pajama pants, a black leather jacket and a rolling stones tee-shirt. "yes... its my most creative" i say in a unenthusiastic voice. "watch it sassy" she says winking. We walk up to the counter, and i order a espresso for me and a cinnamon matcha late with extra soy milk and cinnamon for her. "Its like you can read my mind" she says after i order. "at this point i practically can" i reply. "well then" she says moving her eyes from me to a croissant on the counter then back to me. "excuse me, can i also get a croissant?" i say to the barista. We drink our tea and coffee on the ride back. We get back to school right as the first bell rings, she darts of to Government, her least favorite class. 

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