Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - Annabeth

Annabeth wondered what Percy would do if she strangled him. After the argument at breakfast, they were now on the main deck, leaning over the railing.

"Percy?" Annabeth said.

Percy didn't say anything. He didn't even look at her.

"Percy?" Annabeth said more desperately.

Percy sighed and turned to her.

"What?" He said, his tone of voice slightly harsh.

"What's the matter with you?" She said.

Percy closed his eyes and put his hand on his forehead as if he had a headache.

He blinked and looked up at her with his big sea green eyes.

"I'm sorry Annabeth, it's just, everything is happening so fast and I-"

He cut off.

"You what?" Annabeth asked impatiently.

"I have a feeling you're hiding something from me." He said.

As dumb as Percy was sometimes, he was still smart. Annabeth wished he could sometimes be a little more dumb, for her sake.

"I-I'm not." Annabeth stammered.

Lying to him felt like a blow to the heart. She hated it. But, she knew it was for his own good.

Percy reached his hand out to cup Annabeth's face.

"Annabeth, please." He said, his voice begging, his eyes pleading.

Annabeth sighed and pushed into his lips before she had to say anything else.

She used her hands to keep Percy's lips to hers for awhile. She had to think of what she was going to say.

When they finally released, Percy looked more calm.

"Hey. Um, in case you're jealous of Celeste-" Percy began.

But Annabeth cut him off with a scoff.

"Jealous!?" She said, laughing. "Percy of course not!" She said.

Percy sighed, obviously relieved. "Oh, well that's good." He said.

Annabeth smiled at him and wrapped his hands in hers. "Percy, you trust me right?" She asked him. He made a teasing face.

"Of course I do." He said.

"Well, then. You'll have to trust me on this." Annabeth said.

Percy looked disappointed. "So I guess this means you're not going to tell me what you're keeping from me." He said.

Annabeth sighed and pushed a strand of Percy's hair behind his ear. "You know what you need to know." Annabeth said.

Smiling, Annabeth kissed Percy on the cheek and walked off, leaving Percy to think things through.

As Annabeth walked, she ran into Hazel who was pale in the face.

"Hazel, what's wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"Nothing." Hazel said. "Why do you ask?"

It was a stupid question, but Annabeth answered it anyways.

"Because you're pale." Annabeth said.

Hazel's lower lip trembled. "Am I?" She said, glancing at her hands.

Annabeth put her arm around Hazel.

"Yeah. What happened? Where were you?" Annabeth asked.

Hazel shook her head. "It doesn't matter. Where's Frank? I want to talk to him about breakfast this morning." She said.

Annabeth sighed and pointed to where she last saw Frank. "I saw him in his room last." Annabeth said.

Hazel smiled and walked off. Annabeth sighed.

As she walked, Annabeth noticed that she passed the room in which Celeste was in.

The door was slightly ajar, and Annabeth tried to fight the urge to peek in. But Celeste would see her.

An idea popped into Annabeth's head then. She ran back to her room and pulled her Yankees baseball cap off the wall.

"Alright mom. I rescued the Athena Parthenos AND walked through Tartarus. I don't know what else you could want, but please let my cap work." Annabeth prayed to her mother, Athena.

Carefully, Annabeth placed the cap onto her blond curls. Then, when she looked down at her hands, they were gone. Annabeth smiled.

"Thanks mom." She whispered.

Annabeth walked towards Celeste's room and cracked the door open more.

It made a squeaking sound which made Celeste jump. Celeste looked up and had a confused look on her face when she saw no one there.

Annabeth grinned and walked into the room. Celeste was on the floor, drawing pictures into the ground with a toothpick. One picture was of a trident and another was of a fish. In fact, there were many types of fish that she had drawn. Mythical and non-mythical.

Then Celeste closed her eyes and spoke as if she was praying. Annabeth guessed that's exactly what she was doing.

"Oh father. I told Hazel my secret and I think I can trust her. Please don't curse me again, I had to tell SOMEONE. Not telling Percy was driving me insane.

Everyone on this boat, except Hazel, Leo, and Percy, is ganging up against me. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Celeste said to the sky.

Annabeth was about to walk out when Celeste stood up and walked out the door. Annabeth followed.

Celeste walked up to Percy and they talked. Annabeth tried to get close, but she couldn't. Not without one of them running into her and noticing her presence.

She made out a few sentences though.

"Maybe I should leave Percy. No one wants me here." Celeste said.

"No, that's not true! You can stay here as long as you want." said Percy.

"Thanks Percy. But I won't be staying for much longer." Celeste said.

Percy sighed. "Alright, that's fine. It's up to you."

And just like that, the conversation was over. Staring after Celeste, Percy ran into invisible-Annabeth. He jumped and fell back.

"What the?" Percy yelled.

"Sorry!" Annabeth said while pulling off the cap.

Percy laughed. "I see it works now." He said. Annabeth smiled and helped him up.

"Yeah, just testing it out." Annabeth said, lying to him AGAIN.

Percy smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later Wise Girl." He said, walking off belowdecks.

Annabeth sighed. She threw back on her cap and went to take a nap. All this demigod drama was getting to her head. Too bad all this was only the beginning.

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