Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - Percy

She left him. Celeste actually left him.

They had a plan that would actually work, and she abandoned him.

Annabeth was right. He couldn't trust her.

As the giant charged towards him, everything seemed to be going in slow motion.

Annabeth, limp on the ground, caught his eye. He had to protect her. He had no idea how.

The wave that had come earlier shocked him. He had figured Poseidon had came to his aid to provide for Celeste running off.

As the giant neared closer, Percy jumped out of the way in the nick of time. The giant stomped past him and Percy landed near his unconscious friends.

He had to help them.

Percy charged the giant. He knew it was the stupidest idea ever, but he did it anyways.

He raised his sword and aimed for the giants foot. He stabbed down and gold blood, ichor, oozed out. The giant roared.

The sky thundered and the giant swung his club at Percy. Percy ducked.

He grabbed onto the club as the giant swung upwards. Holding a tight grip on the club, Percy felt himself rise from the ground.

When the timing was right, he jumped from the club and aimed his sword where the giant's heart should be. The sword stuck through and the giant stumbled.

"You. You killed me without a god." The giant mumbled.

Suddenly, a bright light erupted from the ground. Percy shielded his eyes.

Then, he felt himself falling. He hit the ground with a hard thump.

He looked up just to see the giant crumple to ash.

Percy's chest rose and fell quickly. He was alive. He couldn't believe it.

Quickly, he bolted towards his friends. The first person he tried to wake up was Annabeth. Of course.

Her face was deathly pale.

"Annabeth." Percy said, shaking her.

She moaned as her eyes fluttered open.

"Percy? What happened?" She mumbled.

Percy gathered her in a hug. "It's fine. You're fine. Everything's alright." He mumbled into her hair. He didn't realize he was shaking.

Annabeth pushed him off her and held him so he looked straight into her beautiful gray eyes.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

Percy shook his head. "Celeste. She abandoned me."

Annabeth looked incredulous. "She what!?"

"We were going to fight the giant and she took off. She left me by myself. To die." Percy explained.

Annabeth was still looking at him with a confused look. "She wouldn't do that."

Now it was Percy's turn to be confused.

"But didn't you say you didn't trust her? Why are you so surprised?"

Annabeth cursed in Greek.

"Something you want to tell me?" Percy asked.

"Nothing." Annabeth shook her head.

Suddenly, Percy felt a familiar hand on his shoulder. Celeste's hand. He whirled around, but saw nothing.

However, the hand feeling was still on his shoulder.

He grabbed at his shoulder and felt a hand in his grasp. His eyes widened.

"Annabeth." Percy mumbled in shock.

Annabeth snapped to attention.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

Percy dragged the hand towards Annabeth and he felt a body collapse onto his lap. He immediately jumped back.

He pointed to where he felt the body.

"Feel." He said.

Annabeth looked confused, but she obeyed. When she reached over, her eyes widened.

"It's a body. A person." She said.

"Invisible?" Percy asked.

"Yeah. Like my hat." Annabeth said.

Then, the hand he was holding jerked out of his grasp and he felt the body rush past him, shoving him into the ground.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled. She helped him up.

"Let's forget about it. We need to help the others." Percy said when he saw Annabeth about to say something.

They both helped the others and didn't mention anything about Celeste it about the mysterious invisible person until Hazel spoke up.

"Where's Celeste?" Hazel asked. She looked nervous.

"She uh-" Percy began.

"She's right here." A familiar voice said from behind them.

All seven of them whirled around.

Some of them, Jason, Frank, and Annabeth, had drawn weapons.

Celeste was standing there, her clothes in tatters, her hair a mess. She was sending a death glare at Percy.

"Why would you think that!?" She screamed. Percy flinched.

"Think what?" He asked.

"That I abandoned you!? Do you think I would really do that to you!?" Her voice was tight and she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

Percy was stunned. "But you-"

She cut him off. "I was still there Percy! I would never abandon you!" She was sobbing now. "It's not fair!" She screamed. She collapsed onto the ground, crying hysterically into her hands.

Percy ran up to her. She sobbed into his shirt, soaking his shoulder in tears.

She looked up at him. Her face was red and streaked with crying.

"I don't care anymore!" She screamed through her tears.

She pulled his head closer to her and she whispered into his ear.

"My name is Celeste Jackson. My father is Poseidon. My mother is Sally Jackson. And you are my brother."

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