I hate listening to sad music to fill the empty silence everywhere that I go
I hate kissing you knowing that you actually feel nothing
I hate saying I love you and getting the response 'I know' because it makes me
sound needy and desperate for a loved one
I hate staying up and overthinking since my thoughts have been eating at my mind
I hate seeing the color yellow because it's my least favorite color and currently your favorite
I hate thinking about you because you would never think about me too
I hate saying your name because I get butterflies in my stomach or I receive chills down my spine
I hate talking to you because many parts of my memories start putting itself together like a jigsaw puzzle
I hate when you call me beautiful since you lie about almost everything
I hate when you say you love me since I'm not the only girl you say that too
I hate listening to the radio because most of the time our song would stumble across a station
I hate loving you because I know that you love someone else