Chapter 2

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Today I'm gonna drag myself around to find a job so I won't look like a lazy seventeen year old which I probably am. I pull out of the driveway and drive down the street making my way to the nearest bookstore. I have a liking towards books and I guess working at one won't be that hard. I reach the nearst bookstore making me look up at the name of it.

"Anne's BookStore"

I hop out of the car eager to see the inside. I enjoy the view of books surrounding me. I've been obsessed with books for a very long time which helps me when I'm bored at home.

I walk inside hearing a welcoming ding from the door making someone walk out from the back.


A young women comes out with brown hair and a bright smile that could make anyone's day, She sways her hips towards the desk going behind the cash register and giving me another heart warming smile.

"Hi, I've heard you needed more employees?" I said quietly as I look around, It wasn't bad looking at all compared to other bookstores I've seen.

"Actually I do, I'll hand you an application. I'm Anne by the way!" She says with a cheerful tone making me smile as I greet her.

She seems fishy.

"Hazel Campbell" I say shaking her soft hand. She looks so familiar, The eyes and smile looks so familiar but I shouldn't be here for that and I most look wired staring at her like that, I shrug it off as I grab the application from her hand.

"Just turn that in tomorrow and you'll most likely get the job. I would ask my son to join us but he's too busy with his own job." She responds.

I tighten my grip on the paper as I take one last look at the place before turning back at Anne.

"Thank you!" I say waving at her and walk out of the bookstore but immediately bump into someone making me groan.

I look up to see that same guy from the restaurant and freak out. "S-sorry." I say as I pick up my paper, I'm such a clumsy mess today, I either drop something or run into someone or something.

"It's ok, love." The young man whispers looking at me as his eyes shine making me dash right past him to my car, Isn't that the guy that tried following Sam and I?

Small town?

He better not try to follow me again..
If anything I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions. Maybe he was just looking for a book or something.


Once I got home I went through the application which wasn't hard at all. It mostly asked about health and other information. I finished the last question before neatly putting it in a nice stack. I have a huge habit of missing papers.

I hear my mother walk in from the outside making me dash to her for the good news about me getting myself a job. "Guess what!" She puts down the shopping bags carefully before staring at me with a questionable look waiting for me to speak again.

"I got a job. Well, not yet but I'm most likely gonna get it!" I say as a smile creeps on her face making me grin.

"That's fantastic! Where at?" She says with a hint of excitement in her voice. I enjoy seeing my mother happy because it makes me feel like I accomplished something.

"A bookstore." I simply say as I walk back inside the kitchen with her trailing behind.

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