10 Ways to Get Over Your Ex Boyfriend

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Breakups are the worst invention in the history of man. Nobody enjoys them. We yell, then we cry, eat 6 gallons of mint chocolate chip ice cream by ourselves, watch anti-men movies like Thelma and Louise, and refuse to leave the house for weeks. Isn't there a better way to do this? There has to be an easier way than the fighting, screaming, name calling, vase throwing madness that is most breakups.

Maybe one day we'll figure out a better way to go through breakups. But till then, they're going to be hard. No matter what happened between you and your ex, it's time to move on. But how do you start that process? I'm assuming you've already tried vase throwing and name calling. Those are good and necessary tools, but now you should be ready to try a more civil approach. Better for your chi.

Ladies, here are 10 positive ways you can get over your ex:

1) Put away all remnants that remind you of your ex.

This includes everything from a diamond necklace to a post-it note that he wrote you. I'm not saying you have to get rid of them for good, but put them in storage or in the bottommost part of your closet, even underneath that horrid 1970s Christmas sweater you wore to a party once. If you start taking a peek, give everything to a friend or torch it all (safely of course). The term "out of sight, out of mind" is actually spot on, so keeping anything that reminds you of your ex out of sight will help you to think about him less.

2) Make his name a bad word.

You'll need your friends and family's help on this one. Tell them that you are here and now, as of this very moment, not allowed to say your ex's name. Make sure your loved ones police you on this--and even come up with a punishment if you do slip and say his name. For maximum effect, make the punishment a chore you hate to do.

3) Laugh.

If you're feeling bummed about the breakup, spend your days laughing. Laughter is the easiest way to get your positive attitude back. It's impossible to be sad while laughing, right? Put in your favorite gut-busting laughter movies, listen to great comedy CDs in the car, and tell hilarious stories when you're out with your friends. If you keep yourself laughing, soon enough you'll forget completely about your ex and how lame he was!

It's the best medicine!

4) Do new things.

Avoid places and things you used to do solely with your ex. You don't have to deprive yourself of ever seeing another movie or anything, but stay away from your old haunts. If you used to go to the same bar every weekend or eat at that really good Italian spot 6 times a month, those are the spots to avoid. Give yourself this opportunity to find new hangout spots and explore new discoveries.

5) Read and/or learn.

The easiest way to forget about the past is to focus on something in the present. Even if you're not in school anymore, there is still much to learn in the world! Give yourself a learning project, whether it's taking a beginning guitar class, reading 100 classic novels or learning about the mating habits of butterflies. Focus on putting more wrinkles in your brain and you'll soon forget about the drama in your personal life.

6) Spend time with your loved ones.

Most people would tell you to start dating again. But soon after a breakup, I consider that a mistake...for you and the poor guy you end up using as a rebound! Instead, hang out with your friends and family--people who love you already and can help you build yourself back up after your breakup. Once you're feeling good again, that's the time to get back out there in the dating world.

7) Start a journal.

Journal writing is a great way to get over anything. It gives you a chance to sit down with your feelings and really hash things out with yourself. If you've never tried journal writing before, give it a shot. List all the problems you had with your ex, write about the time when you wanted to leave his cheating ass at Disneyland, get it all out. This will help you on the recovery highway to getting over your ex.

8) Pamper yourself.

Take some special "you" time, to make yourself look as hot as possible. Make time for bubble baths, manis and pedis, and facials, massages...anything you can afford or get your hands on. For a cheaper alternative, have a homemade beauty night with your girl friends. Make avocado and oatmeal masks and cucumber slices for the eyes, and gab about how hot you and your friends are. Who needs boys to have fun!

9) Do whatever it takes not to run into him.

Sometimes it's hard to get over your ex because you end up seeing him continuously after your breakup. Maybe you go to the same school, church or gym. So do everything in your humanly power not to see him. Talk to a mutual friend about when he'll be inhabiting certain places so you can avoid at that time. Switch your church times, or run around your neighborhood instead of going to the gym. Do everything except talk to your ex. If you're trying to get over him, seeing him everywhere only does harm to your recovery.

10) Stay positive.

I've written this in many hubs, but it never hurts to add it as a reminder. The power of positive thinking will surprise you. If you're really having trouble getting over your ex, stay positive and tell yourself you will get over him. Life will go on. Plant some flowers and watch them grow if that's what it takes for you to remember that life goes on after a breakup. You can do it. One of these days, you'll wake up and he'll be so insignificant to you, you'll barely remember his name.

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