Chapter 1

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Devin had been a member of the X-Men team for a while, she wasn't exactly sure for how long, she had never felt the need to keep a tally of the years. But she had been recruited during the first class, so she could safely say it has been a while. Charles had sent the team out on a mission early in the morning a couple of days ago, but it took a lot longer than normal and Devin was arriving back with the others almost three days later than expected in the evening.

Charles had mentioned to them before they left that they were going after a couple of mutants, not just one and that those few mutants were practicing their abilities around an old abandoned building after the factory closed a year or so beforehand. He claimed that they were becoming reckless and close to harming some civilians who lived nearby and he needed the team to get them under control.

Devin knew that he meant he needed them to be detained for questioning and possible rehabilitation, to get them to use their abilities for good instead of just because they could. There was always the possibility that Charles would take them in as students and one day have them become part of the team. It was a struggle to find the building that Charles was talking about, there had been a few others closed around the area, meaning the search took longer than necessary. Devin wasn't exactly thrilled to be on the road for so long, considering that Peter felt the need to sing every song he knew over and over again.

"What the hell is that?" Scott yelled out over the sound of the howling wind as the team watched a strange orange coloured orb form above them. It almost seemed to be a liquid trapped in a lumpy sphere shape, lumps pushing against the side while small ripples appeared. The orange orb was like lava, in the way it moved and the colours that it had.

The wind in the abandoned building had picked up. Unluckily for them, Ororo sat this mission out, after breaking her arm from a training session, leaving the team with no way of getting the storm to stop. Debris and small stones were flying in the air, like a small tornado, cutting into Devin's skin. But her skin sealed closed almost immediately. Devin brought a hand up to shield her face as small pieces of dust and dirt wound their way into her eyes.

This was the third mutant with serious control issues that they had encountered. Everyone seemed to be exhausted from the other two previously, who were now knocked out and tied up. Devin, on the other hand, was ready to fight again. Lightly bouncing on her feet. This mutant wasn't as hand-to-hand as the other two were, but a challenge was always good training.

"Satan's nut sack apparently!" Devin yelled back.

Soon enough, the orange orb split into smaller versions of itself and started to drop down towards the team. Jean was moving the strange orbs out of her way with her mind. Warren was using a broken piece of a metal wing to cut them as he flew above her, Devin k new he was less than impressed with the force of the wind. Scott was destroying them with lasers, growling every time he had missed. Erik was pushing them away with pieces of broken metal, seemingly unphased by it all. Peter was doing god-knows-what, while he giggled to himself, running around. Kurt tried teleporting them away from the group. While Raven was hitting them out of the way with the help of Hank.

"Everybody loves a good blood bath, who am I to say no to a little murder?" Devin suggested as everyone continued to fight off the strange mutation the mutant possessed, but no one said anything. She managed to hit the orbs away with a broken plank of wood. "C'mon, if you don't laugh then it's just mean." She had been too distracted to notice anything.

"Look out!" Alex yelled as he quickly pushed her out of the way and destroyed the orb that was aiming towards her, he glanced back at Devin, she gave him and nod which he returned before Devin started to run towards the tornado. Alex tried grabbing the back of her shirt but was hit with an orb pushing him back and into a pile of rubble.

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